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Kids 5: Activity Day Resources Read and make preparations prior to Activity Day. Making Lanterns Making lanterns is a fun way to teach the kids about reflecting the light and being a light in the darkness. There is a great quote by St. Francis Of Assisi — “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” There are three different lantern projects you can choose from. You can choose one or do all three, depending on the age of the children. View the How-To Video at See the video for instructions. Materials needed and preparation for each project are listed below. Paper Lanterns Materials needed:  8 1/2 by 11 colored cardstock in various colors  Embellishments as desired such stickers, streamers, etc.  Scissors  Stapler  Glue Glass Jar Lanterns Materials Needed:  Glass Mason Jars in desired sizes  Tissue paper in various colors  8 oz bottle glue  Ribbon and other embellishments as desired Preparation: Gather all materials. Clean and dry jars. Tin Can Lanterns Materials Needed:  Soup or vegetable cans (at least one for each child)  Hammers  2 Penny Nails  Ribbon, craft or spray paint and other embellishments as desired Preparation: Collect cans throughout the month. Wash cans. Fill with water and put in freezer. Cans need to be in freezer at least 24 hours prior to the Activity Day.       10 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America 

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