Page 132 - Moms For America
P. 132

8 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America Kids 6: Activity Day Resources Read and make preparations prior to Activity Day. Painting Fireworks View the How-To Video at Supplies: Pipe cleaners Kitchen Brushes  Paint (red, white, blue) Glue (optional) Glitter (optional)  Colored Construction Paper (dark blue or black work best) Directions: Take 4 pipe cleaners and fold them in half. Twist the bottom portion to create a handle then fan out the pipe cleaners to create a star shape. In three separate bowls pour red, blue and white paint. Pour glue into paint — One part glue to three parts paint. Mix the paint/glue. Dip your pipe cleaner and brushes in the paint and stamp away! After the children are done stamping they can add some sparkle to the fireworks with glitter. Fine glitter from a craft store works best.  

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