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would be a “few days.” He believed that Asia was only 2,400 miles away. But after a few days had passed and they traveled further (as they believed) than man had ever sailed, the crew became increasingly uncomfortable. To lessen their fears, Columbus purposely reported the length of each day’s voyage as shorter than they had actually traveled. Numerous false sightings of land also caused morale to suffer. By the last week of September, the men could see their supplies diminish and clear signs of mutiny were appearing among the crew. The spirit of adventure and the promise of shared wealth soon turned to whispered threats and grumbling. On October 8th, the captains of the Nina and Pinta demanded a meeting. They insisted that the search for land be abandoned. Columbus agreed they would turn homeward if land was not found within 3 days. He also avoided complete mutiny of his own crew by agreeing to turn back after 2 or 3 days. Columbus was resolute! Later, in a letter to the Spanish hierarchy, he wrote, “Our Lord unlocked my mind, sent me upon the sea, and gave me fire for the deed. Those who heard of my emprise called it foolish, mocked me, and laughed. But who can doubt but that the Holy Ghost inspired me?” His quest for the voyage was also explained in his writings, “The fact that the gospel must be preached in so many lands in such a short time– this is what convinces me.” Unwavering, yet running out of time, Columbus went to his cabin and, in his words, “prayed mightily to the Lord.” Finally, on October 11th, a little after midnight, crew members found a sprig of green with a tiny white flower floating in the water. Later a piece of floating board was discovered, then a little stick which appeared to have been carved into the shape of a man. Finally, at 2:00 AM on October 12th, under a moon slightly past full, a sailor called out, “Land! Land on the horizon!” The expedition led by Christopher Columbus had discovered America. Years later, when alone and frustrated, Columbus told of hearing a “Compassionate voice” that addressed him saying, “O fool, and slow to believe and to serve thy God...what did He do more for Moses, or for David his servant, than He has done for thee?” Columbus had opened the doors to the most phenomenal spread of Christianity since the time of the early apostles and set the stage for the greatest nation in the history of the world. To us and generations to come, the words of Columbus continue to encourage us, “No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior, if it is just and the intention is purely for His holy service.” Note: more of this story can be found in “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall. *Ideas and materials with asterisks are included in the Activity Day Outline. You have the option to read, watch, or do the activity during the month in preparation for Activity Day or plan to complete it together on Activity Day. Alternatively, you could change it to be an individual/family activity. Kids 7: America: Share the Story Moms for America ✯  Cottage Kids 5 

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