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Kids 7: Activity Day Outline IDEAS FOR OLDER CHILDREN AND YOUTH (Optional) Book Discussion  Have youth read the Intro to The 5000 Year Leap and discuss what makes Our American Story unique. (See America: Share the Story pdf for the book information) 1. What made the leap from handcarts to space ships, slate boards to laptops? 2. How does our American Story unite us as a people? 3. What can we, individually, do to sustain and secure liberty ourselves, in our own home, and sphere of influence? 4. How can we share the light of liberty with others? ADDITIONAL IDEAS (Optional) Activity & Discussion: Stone Soup  Read Stone Soup (both of these books can be found at your public library or on Amazon) and have the children/youth make stone soup and compare the story, and how the community came together, to how we as citizens of the United States come together to form a more perfect union. You can have each family bring a different ingredient. They can share a family history story or tradition as they add their ingredient to the soup. Activity: Constitutional Mad Libs (See the Activity Day Resource pdf for supplies and directions.)   Moms for America ✯  Cottage Kids 5 

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