Page 210 - Moms For America
P. 210

 Start a garden with your family! Plant some vegetables and/or flowers and diligently care for them as they grow to enjoy the fruits of your labors.  Create a 72 hour emergency kit for each member of your family. Include an extra set of clothes and non- perishable food items among other items you decide would be important to include.  Go camping in your backyard. Take note of any ways you could be better prepared if you needed to stay outside for a night (e.g. do you have matches? A filter for unpurified water? Would you need hand warmers?).  Hold a lemonade stand, sell cookies, start a lawn mowing business, sell crafts, or find some other way to produce something with value and earn some money.  Watch the YouTube video “Maps for Kids” by Learn Bright and practice learning how to read maps. Click here: watch?v=UZaTK7B0doE  Learn how to fish and cook what you catch.  Watch the YouTube video “What is a Budget? Kids Talk Edition” by You Need a Budget and create your own budget. Click here: watch?v=b5CnIF5K9VY  Create a family emergency plan that includes a meeting location if everyone needs to leave the home (for in the case of a fire). Suggestions for Older Kids or Youth:  Make a list of your skills that could be utilized to earn money. Do you play an instrument? Knit or sew? Cook? Clean? Can you drive a vehicle? Do you know how to keep a budget? Can you transcribe or type quickly? Are you good at caring for animals? Do you enjoy babysitting? Do you know how to fix a car? When you complete your list ask a parent and/or friend to review it and add to it if they think of other valuable skills and talents you have. Then, make a list of new skills you’d like to gain to add to your list.  Consider playing the “budgeting game for teens” at  With your family, have an outdoor fire/bonfire to roast hotdogs or marshmallows. Practice how to effectively build a wood formation that will keep a strong fire going.  Learn to make 2-3 (or more) healthy meals that you can prepare yourself.  Set an exercise routine for yourself and strive to follow it for at least one month.  Read or listen to “Not Yours to Give” by Davy Crockett at (or read a hardcopy). Click here:  The 5000 Year Leap: Principle 7 Equal Rights, Not Equal Things. This book resource is available in our store at: pos=1&_psq=5000%20year&_ss=e&_v=1.0 Kids 11: Law of the Harvest Ideas to Incorporate: During the month or on Activity Day based on age and interest  4 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America 

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