Page 48 - Moms For America
P. 48

Kids 3: Ladies First Ideas to Incorporate: During the month or on Activity Day based on age and interest  Use the following list of habits to track increased respect actions in your family this month by adding a marble or other item to a jar each time a family member completes one of the actions below. Respect habits* ❑ Pull out chair for someone to sit in ❑ Hold a door or car door open ❑ Let women, girls, and those younger than you eat first/go ahead of you in line ❑ Stand when someone needs a seat in a full room or other place like a bus ❑ Be aware of needs, don’t wait to be asked before you step in to help ❑ Take out the garbage ❑ Bring glasses of water for others sitting with you during a meal ❑ After a meal offer to take the dirty plates from the table and then wash them ❑ Be considerate and kind at every opportunity ❑ Offer to carry in groceries or other heavy objects ❑ Say yes sir/ma’am to an adult, or miss to a girl/ younger woman if you don’t know their name ❑ Use “please,” “thank you” and “may I” ❑ Know how to listen and give someone your full attention when they are talking to you ❑ When someone trips or drops something help them pick up the items they dropped ❑ Say thank you for food given to you ❑ Offer your coat or sweater to someone else if they are cold ❑ Compliment things you like about others  Watch the YouTube video “Woman’s clothing and duties during the Revolutionary War” to learn a little about the women who stayed with their husbands at camp during the Revolutionary War.   Moms are leaders in our families and our nation. Play a “mirror game” as a fun reminder of how leaders are followed. The children stand in pairs facing each other. One child in each pair is going to be the ‘leader’ to start with, and the other is going to copy. The ‘leader’ will do some kind of pose. The other child will copy it. The kids can be as creative as they want with the poses but some ideas include standing on one foot, hopping, kneeling, bending over, putting their hair over their face, and holding their hand to their ear like a phone.  Practice respect by using the “Yes, Mommy” game, as described on day-4-tip-of-day-yes-mommy.html by author Jodi. Go outside and have the kids start running around. Tell them that when you call their names, they should freeze and yell back, “Yes, Mommy?” Then, give them a command like, “Sit on the grass!” or “Grab a leaf and bring it to me.” Their next response should be, “Yes, Mommy.” Then they should hustle to do the task as quickly as possible. Play the game for as little or long as you’d like.  Moms protect and care for their kids, even animal moms! Some of the important things moms do for their families are buy groceries, tuck kids into bed, change diapers, give hugs, and take kids to school. Other important things they can do are serve at  4 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America 

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