Page 64 - Moms For America
P. 64

Kids 3: Activity Day Resources Print this page and cut along the lines to play the matching game Women of the Revolutionary War. Instructions: Print pages on cardstock paper. Cut out the picture and the person information to make 30 individual cards. Shuffle the cards and lay them on the table, face down, in rows. The youngest player goes first. Play then continues in a clockwise direction. If they successfully match a pair (picture and person information together) they get to keep the cards, and that player gets another turn. If they don’t match, turn them back over in the same spot. Person with the most matches wins!   Deborah Franklin  Wife of Benjamin Franklin. She supported him and ran his businesses successfully alone while he was overseas as a public servant, even though it meant they couldn’t be together. She died in 1774. Deborah Franklin  Lydia Darragh    Spy during the Revolutionary War. British soldiers were living in her house and she would encode messages about their plans and hide them in her son’s buttons. He would then deliver them to the patriots. Lydia Darragh   Esther de Berdt Reed   Founded a patriot organization called “Ladies of Philadelphia.” They raised thousands of dollars for the army and used the funds to sew 2000 shirts for the army. Esther died in 1780 before the project was finished. Esther de Berdt Reed  Mary Washington   Mother of George Washington. He visited her when he found out he had been elected president. She was ill and died a few months later. Mary Washington   Deborah Sampson  Disguised herself as a man and fought as a soldier in the Revolutionary war for 1-2 years. She was eventually discovered and honorably sent home. She later made a public tour telling about her war experiences. Deborah Sampson  Sarah Franklin Bache   Daughter of Benjamin Franklin. As a member of the “Ladies of Philadelphia” organization she raised funds for the army and, when Esther died, oversaw the completion of the shirt sewing project. Sarah Franklin Bache     Molly Pitcher    Legend based on a real woman. Her husband was in a battle firing a cannon and she gave water to the soldiers. They would call “Molly, pitcher!” Her husband died and she took his place at the cannon until the battle was over. Molly Pitcher         6 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America 

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