Page 93 - Moms For America
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Kids 5: The Valor of Virtue Our country has an inspiring legacy based on virtue and morals to live up to, and studying these past leaders who sacrificed so much for their fellowmen should prick our hearts into repentance. We can do more for our country. Salutati and Bruni had no idea that their work would help found the freest country in the history of the world. But they set great examples, and their formula was simple. They just tried to better themselves so they could lift others, and engage in their government. We can be the examples for future generations. Your contribution might be irreplaceable to someone else years down the road; you just never know. 1 Cary Nederman, “Civic Humanism”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = < civic/>. 2 “Study of Greek Literature and a Humanist Educational Program”, accessed July 17, 2019. BruniSTUDYOFGREEKLIT&HUMANISM1405.htm. 3 Ibid. 4 George Washington, “First Inaugural Address”, (speech, New York City, April 30, 1789). documents/president-george-washingtons-first-inaugural-speech?_ ga=2.9787056.461090175.1651629281-799118271.1651629281 5 Ibid. 6 Gabriel R. Ricci and Paul Edward Gottfried, Humanities and Civic Life Volume 32 of Religion & Public Life, (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2002), 13. 7 Kevin Coles, “Renaissance Humanism”, PowerPoint slides, Canvas, July 17, 2019. 8 Gabriel and Gottfried, Humanities and Civic Life, 12. *Ideas and materials with asterisks are included in the Activity Day Outline. You have the option to read, watch, or do the activity during the month in preparation for Activity Day or plan to complete it together on Activity Day. Alternatively, you could change it to be an individual/family activity. Moms for America ✯  Cottage Kids 9 

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