Page 4 - Moms For America Reports
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   Team Retreat February 3-5, The Hollow, Venice, Florida In February, our entire national team, State Liaisons, and MomLinks group leaders traveled to Florida for our Team Retreat. This time was spent team building, strategizing, and hearing from top speakers from around the country. We even had a special visit from the top Nashville songwriter, James Dean Hicks, who brought the team together to write the new Moms for America® theme song! It is in the process of being professionally recorded to unite and inspire moms nationwide. Listen to the song HERE. CPAC 2022 February, Orlando, Florida Moms for America® was thrilled to be a part of CPAC Florida this year as a Diamond Sponsor of the Women’s Breakfast. Our president, Kimberly Fletcher, spoke on the main CPAC stage, was a featured speaker at the Women’s Breakfast, and was kept very busy with media interviews. Moms flooded to our booth, and we made many great connections. Watch the Highlight Reel HERE.       4 Moms for America  2022  1st Quarter Report 

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