Page 217 - Moms For America
P. 217

Some kinds of fruit juice (grape, for example) Pen ink Leaving stickers on clothes when they go in the washer Blood Grass/mud Ketchup/tomato sauce Watermelon Chocolate/hot chocolate Markers Paint Crayon marks Kids 11: Activity Day Outline Show them the MyPlate diagram from the second page of the handout and ask them which section is the biggest. It’s important for our bodies to have lots of vegetables to be strong. Sugar can hurt our bodies if we eat too much of it. Help and oversee the kids in making a smoothie and ants on a log (celery stalks filled with peanut butter and topped with raisins) for a snack. Note to them that these are things they could ask their parents if they could make independently at home. Ask the kids to think about a goal they could work towards to make sure they are getting enough exercise. Maybe playing games outside, going to the park, or for older kids creating an exercise routine.  Laundry In this station: Discuss the importance of taking care of clothes and display products to help clean clothes This station is all about laundry. Everyone’s favorite thing, right? The clothes we wear send a sign about the kind of people we are trying to be. We want to send signs that we are trustworthy and clean people. So what can we learn to take care of our clothes a little better? Does anyone have an idea about some foods that cause stains on clothes? When you get something dirty or find a stain, there are some general things you can do. Rinse off the spot with water, especially if you are immediately taking care of it after it’s gotten dirty (always do this when possible). If the cloth is white, bleach is a powerful tool to use. Use the instructions on the bottle and add it to your load of white laundry. Vinegar can also help remove stains. You can use it directly on the spot or add it to your load of clothes. For some things, like crayon marks, you can use dish soap to pre-treat the cloth before it goes through the washer. For pen stains you can use rubbing alcohol (or hair spray, if it has alcohol in it). For blood you can use hydrogen peroxide. (Feel free to add more tips to this). Give each participant a copy of the stain removal handout from Real House Moms website. See page 2 for the link. Moms for America ✯  Cottage Kids 5 

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