Page 218 - Moms For America
P. 218

Kids 11: Activity Day Outline  Auto care In this station: Learn to check air pressure in tires and check engine oil Vehicles help us get where we’re going! If we want them to serve us well, we need to know how to take care of them properly. Two ways you should know how to take care of a vehicle are keeping the tire pressure at the right level and making sure you always have plenty of oil. At this station we will demonstrate how to check air pressure in a tire and how to check your oil level. Show the kids what a tire pressure gauge looks like and how to use one. Show them the dipstick to check the engine oil and how to tell if the vehicle has enough oil.  Sewing In this station: Sew a button or practice sewing on felt A handy skill to learn and improve is sewing. When something breaks, it is very helpful to already know how to fix it and you can also sew your own clothes if you get good enough at it. Today we are going to practice a couple simple sewing activities. We have felt pieces that can be sewn together by the younger members of the group and buttons that can be sewn on felt for the older group members. Demonstrate how to do both and use the rest of the time to let the kids practice.  Power of positive thinking and innovation In this station: Discuss problem solving and the little engine that could Have any of you heard of or read the book the Little Engine that Could? If yes: Who could tell me the story? If no: In the story, some toys need some help getting over the mountain so they can bring joy to some children. A couple big engines come by, but they’re not willing to help. Then a small engine comes! This engine has never been over the mountain before, because she’s so small, but she is willing to try so she can help the toys and the boys and girls who are waiting for the toys. It can be scary and hard to try something new. Lots of times we worry that we can’t do it or we’ll mess up. Have you ever said “it’s too hard, I can’t do it!” before? While the little engine was going over the mountain for the first time she said to herself “I think I can, I think I can.” This is something that we can try too! Let’s say it together. I think I can, I think I can. Guess what? The little engine made it over the mountain! After she got done she said to herself “I thought I could, I thought I could.” We can learn from the little engine that when we have to do something new we can tell ourselves “I think I can” and just give it a try! If we don’t do well, we can try again. If you have a problem and you’re not sure what to do, you should pause and see if you can come up with a creative way to solve your problem by yourself. Give your brain a chance to work hard and see if you can come up with some new ideas that might work to solve your problem. You are very smart. And you are resourceful. That means you can use the things you already have to overcome problems you face. If you believe in yourself and think hard you will be surprised how often you can help yourself and others! 6 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America 

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