Page 32 - Moms For America
P. 32

Kids 2: There’s No Place Like Home Ideas to Incorporate: During the month or on Activity Day based on age and interest  As a family, make a collage of the American Flag. Look for pictures in magazines with red, white, and blue hues. Tear the pictures into pieces, group them by color and glue them onto a paper to create an American Flag. Discuss details about the flag design and history before, during, or after the activity: glory/  Fly kites as a family. Talk about the importance of the string on the kite, that the kite will fall to the ground if we let go of the string. This can be likened to government — as long as we hold onto correct principles we are free. If we let go of those principles, our country will fall.  Write/print and cut out the phrases from this list on slips of paper: ❑ Set the table for dinner ❑ Yell at a brother/sister for taking your toy without asking ❑ Give a hug to a crying brother/sister ❑ Do chores immediately when asked ❑ Remind family to pray ❑ Get angry and throw things when you ask mom if you can have a snack and she says no ❑ Pull your brother/sister’s hair when they aren’t listening to you ❑ Tell your mom thank you for making lunch ❑ Tell your dad “I love you” Put the slips of paper in a cup and pull out one at a time and ask the kids if the action on the paper hurts or strengthens your foundation of family. Feel free to add more to the list or make your own list.  Play the game Jenga. Explain that in the game you can see that a strong foundation is important or the stack of blocks will fall over and that for our communities and nation strong families are an important part of the foundation that our country needs to uphold honorable government. Suggestions for Older Kids or Youth:  The 5000 Year Leap: Principle 26 The Core Unit Which Determines the Strength of Any Society is the Family; Therefore, the Government Should Foster and Protect Its Integrity. Read The 5000 Year Leap: Principle 26 then use a notebook to record your answers to the following questions. This book resource is available in our store at: pos=1&_psq=5000%20year&_ss=e&_v=1.0 1. de Tocqueville’s first quote:  Where does he say disturbances in society come from?  In your understanding, what does the quote say is the root of the difference between Americans responding well to law and order and Europeans wanting to violate law and order?  What do you like about this quote? 2. Do husbands and wives have some rights specific to their role? 3. Fill in the blanks: In theory, God’s law made man first in governing his family, but as between himself and his wife he was merely first _________ _________. 4. What is the difference between the rights of minors and the rights of adults? In what ways does Locke say a person should be mature by the time they are an adult or 21? 5. What are the responsibilities of parents to children and children to parents?   4 Cottage Kids ✯  Moms for America 

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