Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots


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Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

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5000 Year Leap - 10 Week Series

The 5000 Year Leap
Principles of Freedom 101

Join Al and Juleen Jackson as they present this powerful and much-anticipated 12-week class designed for families to learn in a simple understandable way the Founder’s ingenious success formula that made America the greatest nation on the earth.

You’ll discover the 28 principles of liberty set forth by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution that will help you speak with greater authority and strength in defending and perpetuating freedom to help heal our homes, communities and nation.

We encourage husbands, wives, grandparents and teenagers to watch these presentations, to learn about all of our Principles of Freedom.

Register for our new 2023 Series which begins October 12, 2023 with Juleen and Al Jackson.

The 5000 Year Leap - Intro & Part 1

Part 1 & Intro

Part 1 – Intro: and The Founders Monumental task.

Structuring a Government with all the power in the people.

The 5000 Year Leap - Principles 1 & 2

Principles 1 & 2

Principle 1: The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Peoples Law.

Principle 2: A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.

The 5000 Year Leap - Principles 3 & 4

Principles 3 & 4

Principle 3: The most promising method of securing virtuous and morally stable people is to elect virtuous leaders.

Principle 4: Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained.

5000 Year Leap Principles 5 thru 7 - Moms for America

Principles 5, 6 & 7

Principle 5: All things are created by God, therefore upon Him all mankind are equally dependent and to Him they are equally responsible.

Principle 6: All men are created equal

Principle 7: The proper role of government is to protect equal rights, not provide equal things.

5000 Year Leap Principles 8 thru 10 - Moms for America

Principles 8, 9 & 10

Principle 8: Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights

Principle 9: To protect man’s rights, God has revealed certain principles of divine law.

Principle 10: The God-given right to govern is vested in the sovereign authority of the whole people.

5000 Year Leap Principles 11 thru 13 - Moms for America

Principles 11, 12 & 13

Principle 11: The majority of the people may alter or abolish a government which has become tyrannical.

Principle 12: The United States of America shall be a republic.

Principle 13: A constitution should be structured to permanently protect the people from the human frailties of their rulers.

5000 Year Leap Principles 14 thru 15 - Moms for America

Principles 14 & 15

Principle 14: Life and liberty are sure only so long as the right to property is secure.

Principle 15: The highest level of prosperity occurs when there is a free-market economy and a minimum of government regulations.

5000 Year Leap Principles 16 thru 18 - Moms for America

Principles 16, 17 & 18

Principle 16: The government should be separated into three branches – legislative, executive and judicial.

Principle 17: A system of checks and balances should be adopted to prevent the abuse of power.

Principle 18: The unalienable rights of the people are most likely to be preserved if the principles of the government are set forth in a written constitution.

5000 Year Leap Principles 19 thru 21 - Moms for America

Principles 19, 20 & 21

Principle 19: Only limited and carefully defined powers should be delegated to government, all others being retained in the people.

Principle 20: Efficiency and dispatch require government to operate accord to the will of the majority, but constitutional provisions must be made to protect the rights of the minority.

Principle 21: Strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom.

5000 Year Leap Principles 22 thru 24 - Moms for America

Principles 22, 23 & 24

Principle 22: A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men.

Principle 23: A free society cannot survive as a republic without broad program of general education.

Principle 24: A free people cannot survive unless they stay strong.

5000 Year Leap Principles 25 & 26 - Moms for America

Principles 25 & 26

Principle 25: Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all Nations – entangling alliances with none.

Principle 26: The core unit that determine the strength of any society is the family; therefore the government should foster and protect its integrity.

The 5000 Year Leap - Principles 27 & 28

Principles 27 & 28

Principle 27: The burden of debt is as destructive to freedom as subjugation by conquest.

Principle 28: The United States has a manifest destiny to be an example and a blessing to the entire human race.

Listen to
The 5000
Year Leap
12 Class

Your material ministered to my heart in a way that nothing else has. Learning the Freedom–> Virtue –> Faith –> Freedom connection through the cottage meetings and the 5000 Year Leap classes totally altered the trajectory of my life. I am forever grateful to you and all the wonderful women at Moms for America!♥️

~ Lindsey Cluck

This class by far means more to me than any class I ever took in college! At Al’s recommendation, I am reading The Majesty of God’s Law! Wow. Understanding the tie-in of God’s Law and America’s Framework is a Kingdom Pillar for the future New Jerusalem, I do believe. The genius is divine and sacred. It’s a great rabbithole to spend some time in!!!

~ Maria Vadas

This class brings together what I learned in taking Healing of America twice. I want to participate in more classes. Thank you for all you share and I am trying to share with many people that I have met and know.

~ Deborah Gant

This series is sooooo amazing!!  It is full of eye opening stories and actionable lessons that have had a profound effect on my life.  This class is for every freedom-loving person in America (and across the globe).  We need to hear the facts and we need to learn how to apply this information to our lives if we want to protect our blessed REPUBLIC.  Juleen and Al are wonderful teachers.  Your love and excitement are contagious!

~ Lindsey Cluck

I love the way Juleen and Al teach from the heart!  Their ability to help you see how the 28 principles apply to today and what our country  is lacking is very enlightening!  Strongly suggest that everyone take these courses.

~ LaRene

The knowledge I’ve received by studying with you all for the last 18 months has truly inspired me both spiritually and patriotically. Today I look to the Heavens and I’m often reminded that God can and will if he is sought-after.  I must though not just lie on my laurels but make changes where I can and what I’ve learned is that change is best captured by my love and commitment to my family.  I really appreciate you both so much. 

~ Hugs, Beth