The Cottage Meeting Project
Your Stand for Liberty Starts Here
Moms just like you are meeting in homes across America to build their knowledge about the principles of freedom our country was founded upon so they can stand strong against the anti-American tide and raise the next generation of patriots.
Invite your friends and family to your
Moms for America Cottage Meeting in your home!
Use these shareable flyers, and simply fill in the date, location and contact information, if applicable.
Anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.
Lead a Moms for America Cottage Meeting in Just Three Easy Steps

With our professional video series, we make it easy – just invite your friends, press play and discuss. We provide all the videos, materials and resources you need to simply lead an inspiring, and heart-changing Cottage Meeting.
Listen to these testimonials, and view our brochure.
Check out these FAQs below, find out how to get started and how you can access our original 12 Cottages Meetings That have been professionally recorded for you to share with your friends and family in your home.
Who can lead a Cottage Meeting?
Anyone who has a love for liberty can lead a Moms for America Cottage Meeting. Moms of all ages and even grandmothers are starting meetings in every state across the country.
Who attends a Cottage Meeting?
Moms, aunts, grandmas, future moms and all women that care about America, can attend a Moms for America Cottage Meeting!
How often do we meet?
Each group sets their own schedule. Some meet monthly, while others meet weekly.
Are there virtual Cottage Meetings?
Yes! While you will likely come away with more from in-person meetings, we also have virtual Cottage Meetings. Find out more HERE.
What material do we use?
We use a high-quality video series each hostess can access right in her own home. We also have an optional COTTAGE MEETING RESOURCE GUIDE which can be ordered online as a hard copy, or downloaded in digital format. There are other supplemental materials available for your use as well.
How to Get Started?
If you have questions about Moms for America Cottage Meetings, please CONTACT US
To purchase a Cottage Meeting Leader kit, visit our store HERE.
To get started FILL OUT THIS FORM and our team will contact you as quickly as possible.
Once you’ve talked with our team, they will give you access to our original 12 Cottages Meetings, that have been professionally recorded, for you to share with your friends and family in your home.