
School Board Engagement
Like never before, moms – and dads – are exercising their parental rights by engaging with their schools and school boards, pushing back against health mandates and inappropriate curriculum. Thousands of parents are signing up and speaking up at their school board meetings. Empower Moms provides coaching resources and strategies to help parents be effective in this effort. But that’s not all! There are a number of additional tactics parents can employ in holding their school officials accountable, like submitting requests for public information. Click on the links below to access topical videos, documents, and more to access all of our School Board Engagement resources.
Moms for America is looking for volunteers for School District Ambassadors all over the U.S. to help provide support and resources for parents, and best of all we will make sure you are fully trained!
Action Item
Contacting Your State Attorney Generals
No Left Turn in Education (NLTE)Â is fighting a battle to save our children and prosecute adults who distribute pornography in schools. On January 5, 2022, NLTE sent a letter to the Attorney General Merrick Garland imploring him to address a crisis of depravity in K-12 education.
Empower Moms and Moms for America are urging all parents to help take up this battle and fight back for our children’s sake. We encourage you to take up this fight at the state level and contact your State Attorney General and demand that they exercise their authority to protect the children of America.
Please download the PDF and familiarize yourself with the letter sent by NLTE to Merrick Garland as an example of verbiage to use in a letter to your state Attorney General. Review their “Take Action” Steps 1 and 2 in the pdf file. Also be sure to look around the website noleftturn.us and under the Resources Tab view the Information By State to see what is being taught in your children’s schools.

These resources contain topics which include how to speak to your school board, how to build a strong group of parental support, and how to communicate your message to your school board, your community, and more.
Parent Toolkit – Advocating for Quality Curriculum
America First Policy Institute
Tools to Assist Parents in Engaging with Your School Board
Defending Ed
Parliamentary Procedure Cheat Sheet
By Gregory Carlson, Professional Registered Parliamentarian – PDF Download

These resources will help you find your local school district and the School’s Board Members, as well as School Board Election schedules.
School Board Watchlist of Leftist SBs
School Boards and School Board Elections
Quick Guide to Parliamentary Procedure
A publication of the Association of Minnesota Counties – PDF Download
Simple Parliamentary Procedures Cheat Sheet
Adapted from Rosenberg’s Rules of Order: Simple Parliamentary Procedures for the 21st Century – PDF Download
Discover School Board Members and Elections
XQ Superschool
WARNING: this is a leftist org site, however it is a good tool to put in an address near you (not yours or they could track that) and it will pop up the SB members, elections, etc. in your SD.

Empower Moms Videos
These Empower Moms Videos, Webinars, and Podcasts provides support, training and important updates to moms across the country who are reaching out to change their schools and school boards for good.
Use our contact form to let us know you’re interested in school concerns and resources and we’ll have someone contact you with more information.