Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots


Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

1776 Defenders Club - Moms for America

The principles of freedom our Founding Fathers fought for are under attack now more than ever. That has left this generation feeling the responsibility to stand against the current tide to preserve a future of freedom for our children and grandchildren.

That’s why Moms for America® is excited to introduce the

1776 Defenders Club!


We know our efforts are stronger TOGETHER and that’s why we’re inviting you to join with us in reclaiming our culture for truth, freedom, and the Constitution.


Will you defend freedom with us?

We’re inviting YOU to partner with us for $17.76, $177.60, $1,776 or $17,776 as a symbol of your stand for the principles of liberty in America.

Your tax-deductible gift will empower moms to promote liberty, raise patriots, and ensure a strong future for this country.

Yes! I want to defend freedom!

A Gift For You….

As a special thank you for joining us on this mission,
for every new 1776 Defenders Club member who commits
to supporting Moms for America® on a monthly basis
for $17.76 or more, we’ll send you this 1776 Defender T-Shirt.

1776 Women's T-Shirt - Moms for America
1776 Men's T-Shirt - Moms for America

You will receive instructions on how to get your t-shirt in your donation receipt.


Your Support Means So much To Us

YOU are the reason we are able to empower moms and promote liberty.

United, we will take back America!