Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots


Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Moms, Let Your Voice be Heard!

Moms, Let Your Voice be Heard!

For decades we have believed that everything was working the way it should. We couldn’t have been more wrong. For decades we have been fooled, corruption has infiltrated the core of our institutions, our country, our way of life, our freedom, and the future of...
Will Moms Now Be Listed on FBI’s Most Wanted List?

Will Moms Now Be Listed on FBI’s Most Wanted List?

It is hard to believe moms have now become the target of the U.S. government, but in our rapidly declining culture, every day seems to bring a new crazy. As the president of Moms for America we hear from moms all over the country who are angry and frustrated with the...