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8 Myths About Homeschooling Debunked - Moms for America Newsletter

MFA Weekly Newsletter

8 Myths About Homeschooling Debunked - Moms for America Newsletter
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Apr 22, 2022

8 Myths About Homeschooling Debunked

Lisa Weaver

California public school enrollment has dropped by over 110,000 students… and counting.

Is it any wonder?

The public school system has lost the trust of moms – to put it mildly. And we’re looking for alternatives. But for those of us who were raised in public schools and have had children in public school, it can seem like an uncertain maze of options and many don’t know where to start.

And homeschool?? Forget it!

At least, that’s what I thought. Until I pulled my two sons in the middle of the school year to do just that. I remember just sitting at the table staring across at their beautiful brown eyes without a single clue how I was going to educate these precious ones.

Fast forward 10 years and as I watch them both working their way through business school with confidence and success, I know I did the right thing. I’m glad I didn’t buy into all the myths that surrounded homeschooling then and even now.

You can do it, too! If you’ve struggled against the ongoing stigmas about homeschooling, it’s time to turn it around with these 8 myths about homeschooling debunked.

Myth #1. Single Moms Can’t Homeschool

Homeschooling isn’t what it used to be. It isn’t a one-woman job anymore! There are co-ops, pods (groups of moms who share the load), online programs, and dual enrollment for older students. You can homeschool, even if you are a single mom.

Our Senior Director of Education & Memberships, Quisha King, is living proof! She is a single mom of two daughters and pulled her children from public school to give them the kind of education she felt was best. And yes, mothers, we do know best!

(Be sure to check out Quisha’s upcoming webinar on How to Pull Your Kids from Public School)

It may seem impossible, but we’re here to tell you – it isn’t! Mama, if you’re not happy with your children’s schooling situation, don’t despair. You can give them exactly what you want them to have.

Myth #2. Working Moms Can’t Homeschool

All of us moms who went through the public school system have been trained to believe that school takes all day. But eliminate roll call, lunch orders, uniform checks, assemblies, movies to kill time, CRT, over-the-top sex ed, indoctrination, and everything else that is unnecessary, and you can see that you don’t need much time at all!

When I first brought my two boys home, we covered every subject in detail and were done by noon! I thought I must be doing something wrong, but with high college admission scores, Baylor scholarships, and watching them both wrap up business school with great success, I can’t argue with the results!

One-on-one teaching accomplishes a great deal in a short amount of time. And I certainly utilized resources outside of myself to aid in getting them the best education possible.

And I did this while working a remote position. I homeschooled in the morning and worked in the afternoon. I know others who work outside of the home who teach lessons when it fits their schedule, and the kiddos do the classwork when their mom is at work.

You can work and homeschool. Nurses, lawyers, substitute teachers, and women from all walks of life have all homeschooled successfully. You can too!

Myth #3. You’re Not Qualified to Homeschool

No matter what anyone tells you, you are the most qualified person to educate your child. Trust me, I understand your apprehension. When I first started homeschooling our two boys, I would have nightmares that they turned out to be not so bright. My fears were soon alleviated when I saw how much they thrived.

You don’t have to be some kind of genius or even a master of every subject. That’s the beauty of it. You can bring others into the mix – of your choosing – to provide a perfectly balanced education to your child.

And guess what? You can learn again! I used to teach myself some of the lessons the night before I taught them.

For those subjects that just aren’t your thing – no problem! There are so many options like I mentioned above to allow others to teach your kiddos math, science, English, or anything else. The point is that you are the one deciding what the curriculum looks like. You decide what they’ll hear about and when.

Sam Sorbo is a member of our Advisory Council here at Moms for America and she often shares about her initial fear about homeschooling her three children. (Check out her amazing podcast for regular encouragement!) But, like me, she quickly overcame that fear when she saw the results. She has some encouragement for you today:

“I am here to tell you, you are perfectly qualified to teach your child. Children are a gift from God. Why would you send a gift away for someone else to open?”

You can do it. For more encouragement, check out Sam Sorbo’s book, They’re Your Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate.

Myth #4. Your Kids Won’t Get Social Interaction

This one has always made me laugh. Mostly because of the type of “social interaction” my kids had been getting in public schools. As someone who was raised in the public school system, I know you can make friends and have great extra-curricular experiences, but I also know that kids experience bullying, indoctrination, and exposure to a whole host of ideas and “opportunities” that no child should have.

There are plenty of ways to get your child social interaction. This includes co-ops, homeschool debate teams, sports outside of school, church youth groups, and more. Some public schools will even allow homeschoolers to participate on their sports teams.

It’s true – social interaction isn’t built in, but it can and should be carefully selected.

Myth #5. Your Kids Won’t Be As Smart

This is actually true. If you homeschool your kids, they won’t be as smart as if they went to public school. They’ll be smarter.

Maybe a better way of saying it is that they’ll be better educated. It’s not really a secret that homeschool kids are smart – not because they’re better than anyone else or have better genes – but because they’ve been given the opportunity to thrive.

When my youngest son was in public school, I was told he struggled in math. But when I brought him home – even with my limited knowledge and ability – he began to thrive in math, excel even. It was the atmosphere and method with which he was being taught that held him back.

Myth #6. You Have to Homeschool From the Beginning

I’m not sure where this came from, and I hear it all the time, but people seem to think homeschooling must be done from K-12. Not so!

You can homeschool whenever you like, for as long as you like. Personally, I pulled my two sons out of public school in grades 3 and 6. Then, they returned to a private school setting in middle and high school. My oldest graduated from the private school, but I pulled my youngest out again for high school and was able to graduate him at 16 years old with college credits under his belt.

Whatever fits you and your family is perfectly fine!

Myth #7. Homeschooling Takes All Day

We covered this a bit already, but I want to briefly add to this.

Homeschooling can be whatever you want it to be. You can teach all the lessons on days one and two and then have them do their independent work the other days. You can have three full days of school per week. You can teach in the evenings and have them work on lessons during the day.

And… you don’t have to follow the public-school calendar! I taught my kids year-round because it worked best for us. That is how they skipped from one grade to another so quickly and enabled them to graduate from high school early.

We took family vacations whenever we wanted and when I just wasn’t in the mood – free day! The schedule is yours for the making.

Looking for more info about getting started with homeschooling? Find it HERE

Myth #8. Homeschoolers Are a Certain “Type”

There are certainly some stereotypes surrounding homeschoolers, but that has changed – A LOT – especially since that pandemic that will remain nameless. EVERY type of person homeschools. There is no “type” anymore.

You don’t have to join some kind of clan or circle to homeschool. I rarely interacted with a lot of other homeschool families because I had an established circle already. But, if you do want interaction and support, you’ll find plenty! Plus, there are so many homeschooling newbies out there, you’ll find comradery with no problem.

I hope debunking these 8 myths about homeschooling has helped you overcome any hesitation you might have about taking it on yourself. If it isn’t for you in general, then know that you, mama, make the best choices for your kids. But if fear is the only thing holding you back – may I say as gently as possible – get over it! You’ve got this. And… you won’t regret it.

