Checklist for November:
3 Must-Do’s to Make Your Mom-Voice Matter
Your vote is your voice.
It voices your desire to see schools back on track.
It voices your passion to protect babies in the womb.
It voices your wish to see your streets safe and your constitutional rights protected.
It voices your longing to see inflation decrease and patriotism increase.
Your vote voices the hope that America can break the hold of the dystopian daydream we’ve lived during the last two years. Predominant messages shout that gender’s fluid, the economy’s great, and parents shouldn’t speak into their kids’ education. Masks and forced vaccinations are good, and gun rights are bad. Children are taught to judge others by skin color rather than behavior. Those who believe in our Creator are called hateful and intolerant.
Your vote is your voice.
Some say that a red wave is coming1 and that positive change will move us toward restoration in American life. Your voice in your vote is vital if we want to see our nation come roaring back. As we inch closer to the midterms, we’ve created a checklist for November with three must-do’s to make your mom-voice matter at the ballot box.
Register to Vote – Now
Don’t put it off.
It will only take a few moments to register to vote – now. It’s your right and privilege to be heard at the ballot box. Our convenient MomVote portal makes it easy to get registered in time for the critical contests coming in just a few short weeks.
If you’re unsure if you’re registered, you can check your voting status at the National Association of Secretaries of State website. They have a handy online form that can give you an immediate answer.
If you need to register, use that time to show your kids what you’re doing and use it as a teaching moment. Calculate how many years it will be until your kids are old enough to vote. Invite questions about our election process – when they occur, the different ways people vote, and why voting is vital to our nation. You could even share a story of a time you voted in an especially crucial race.
Get the Facts About Candidates and Issues
This is where things sometimes get tricky. It’s easy to get lost in the doublespeak.
Prepare for attack ads on both sides seeking to muddy the issues. Voter turnout is traditionally lower in midterm elections compared to Presidential election years. Still, millions are flowing on both sides of the aisle in campaign ads and political attacks. Things have reached a fever pitch this year, so your vote as an American mom is vital to help decide our future.
You’ll hear candidates on both sides claim they are the pro-family candidate and are for the middle class. Both will say they support women and promise a bright future for America. You’ll hear one promise: “I’ll never get between you and your doctor.” That sounds good, but in reality, it’s a stealthy way to say, “I support abortion.”
So, who are they… really?
What they say in an ad or debate is one thing – but how they voted on critical issues is the TRUTH.
As busy moms, our daily schedules are filled to bursting with responsibilities. Who has time to research the records of the vast number of candidates? That’s why we’ve done the legwork to help you dig through the murk and get the facts about the candidates and issues.
Our Congressional Report Card grades all the candidates from A (Excellent) to F (Abysmal Failure) based on their actual voting records relating to Pro-Life, America First, Parental Rights, and Stopping Critical Race Theory’s invasion in American classrooms.
You can dig into more details by using the interactive map at MomVote to learn more election deadlines and details in your state.
Spread the word and information you’ve gathered here to others. Send friends and family the link to MomVote and our Congressional Report Card. Ask them if they plan to vote, and tell them why it’s essential. Your personal influence packs almost as much punch as your vote.
Make Election Day a Family Holiday
It’s a big deal. The right to vote is at the heart of our nation’s founding. We have days dedicated to celebrating bubble wrap, groundhogs, and sourdough bread 2 (not kidding). Why not turn election day into a full-blown event at your house, teaching your children about the power and importance of the vote as a central American privilege and duty?
If it’s possible, make election day into a family holiday. Have a planning session with your kids to map out how you’ll prepare. Here are some ideas to ramp up the celebration:
- Decorate the house by flying your flag and rally the kids to help deck out the house with a patriotic color scheme.3
- Include the kids if election day involves a trip to your polling station to vote.
- Plan and prepare themed food like decorated cookies or red, white, and blue popcorn – for festive munchies while your family monitors election returns.4
- Celebrate together when a candidate or issue you support is given the win.
- Regardless of outcomes, end the evening by praying for our nation and newly-elected leaders.
November is right around the corner. Your voice is your vote.
Act now to complete your checklist and be ready to let America hear your voice and your values loud and clear.