MFA Weekly Newsletter

Engaging With Your Local School Board - Moms for America Newsletter Blog Post

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Engaging With Your Local School Board - Moms for America Newsletter Blog Post
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Jul 14, 2024

Engaging With Your Local School Board

Transgender ideology, indoctrination, lack of education, CRT, DEI, SEL and perverted sex education classes. It’s no wonder parents are fed up with the public school system!

While school board meetings were once sleepy and uneventful, you’ve likely noticed they’ve received a lot more media coverage as outraged parents flood the meetings in defense of their children. Perhaps you’ve thought about wanting to speak up, as well, but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe the thought of it is too intimidating.

If you don’t feel confident about speaking at your school board meeting, you’re not alone! Most of the parents speaking up at school board meetings are first timers. But they know it’s too important to allow fear or intimidation to stop them.

There is too much at stake for us mamas to stand by silently. It’s time to speak up! If you have concerns and want to make your voice heard on behalf of your children, here are 5 tips for speaking at your school board meeting to get you on your way!

 1. Find Out When Your School Board Meets

Though public attendance and comment have always been allowed in school board meetings, most parents are new to this. And most people have expressed feeling at least somewhat nervous at the thought of publically speaking out.

One way to ease the apprehension is to find out when your school board meets and attend a meeting or two just to observe. You should be able to locate this information by visiting your school district’s website

You may also wish to reference the School Board Watch List, which provides contact information, names of school board members, and other important information.

When you attend meetings prior to speaking, you will build your confidence as you watch other parents standing courageously for their children. You’ll learn the format of the meetings and what to expect when you arrive to speak.

 2. Register to Speak

When you visit the school board website, you will be able to register to speak. There will be a link or button that reads “Sign Up for Comment,” “Citizen Participation,” or something similar.

There is usually a deadline to sign up and can be several days prior to the meeting. Keep in mind that speaking spots are a hot commodity right now! Some slots fill up in seconds (sounds like theme park fast passes!) so be sure you’re at your computer when the window opens to snag your spot.

3. Know Your Rights

With all the intimidation of parents by school boards as of late, it seems many people have forgotten about parental rights. As a citizen and a voter, you have a right to attend school board meetings and you have a right to speak at school board meetings.

As a parent, you have a right to know what is being taught to your children, what ideas are being presented and how they are being treated. You have a right to object and express your concerns. You have a right to request changes.

(Passionate about your parental rights? Join over 1 million moms in signing the Declaration of Mothers!)

And if nothing changes, you have a right to pull your child from public school. We have resources to help you do this!

 4. Prepare Talking Points

When you sign up to speak at your school board meeting, be sure to note the speaking time limit. It varies and can be around three minutes, so you want to prepare your remarks accordingly and even practice them ahead of time to be sure you are able to express your most important points without being cut off.

Whether it is objecting to Critical Race Theory or sounding the alarm on inappropriate sexual content, you are your child’s defender and you have a right to let your voice be heard!

Prepare your talking points ahead of time and make them impactful. Do your homework and find solid information to drive your point home.

 5. Be Bold But Respectful

You have a God-given right and responsibility to stand up for your children. There’s a reason why everyone knows not to poke a mama bear!

When you stand before the school board, this is your time to be bold and speak strongly for what you believe in. But be respectful. Insults and foul language will shut down your listener.

If you need to build your confidence in your rights, we have classes called Cottage Meetings that do just that! They also embolden you to stand up for freedom and liberty and raise patriots along the way. Also check out this week’s podcast and here how one teacher took on the teaher’s union and won!

The best way to communicate with your school board is to be clear and direct. Share your story. Tell them who you are and why you care. You can ask questions, too. How do I opt my child out from this lesson/curriculum? How was this decided upon in the best interest of the children?

We hope these tips have helped you build some courage to go speak at your school board meeting! It can be scary to take on the public schools but know this – you are not alone. And beyond that, you above anyone else knows what is best for your child. We believe in you and we’re standing with you. You’ve got this!


For more information about how to engage with your school board,
visit Empower Moms