Home Reliance Resources

We’ve compiled the following companies and resources to help you in your path to Home Reliance. These are companies, websites, and resources we have used ourselves and we highly recommend them.
Many people call for FEMA in as disaster but FEMA is counting on people to be prepared and take care of themselves. Their website provides great on developing emergency plans and how you and your family can be prepare for natural or man-made disasters.
Ready.Gov encourages families to be prepared and not scared! They have excellent resources on how to build your own 72 Hour Kit and items to collect and actions to take to prepare for any disaster.
Provident HomeMaker is an absolutely excellent website created by a mom who is expert at home storage and helping others achieve home reliance. Here are some other resources from Mommy Bloggers who are happy to answer questions and assist you in becoming Home Reliant.
The Survival Mom is one of our absolute favorite websites! Once you visit it you’ll know why. Lisa Bedford is the epitome of Home Reliance. And she didn’t stop with prepping her own family. She’s on a mission to help moms worry less and enjoy their families more. If you’re looking for it or have a question about it–whatever “it” is, you’ll probably find it on this website!
My Patriot Supply is a great company providing short and long term food storage products, survival gear, water storage and air purification products. Their foods are easy to prepare and taste great and their survival gear is easy to pack and store–great for 72 hour kits.
Wise Company provides a full list of long-term storage foods as well as survival kits and emergency items. Their long-term storage comes in easy to store, stack-able containers and can be purchased in bundles in blended meal starter kits or individually packaged food items.
Emergency Essentials is a long and short term storage company providing packaged meals, emergency packaged foods and water barrels. Their food comes in stack-able buckets as well as number 10 cans (Large coffee can size).
Honeyville is a robust home storage company offering everything from grains to prepared meals. Their products include grains and seeds, flours, dry foods and even gluten free items.