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Moms For America - Blog - The America I Dream of
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Moms for America Blog

The America I Dream of

Apr 15, 2020

Moms For America - Blog - The America I Dream of

The America I Dream of

By Lisa Cummins, Director of Education, Policy and Content, Moms for America

picture: “Home” used by permission @thecoloramber

We’re all in this together, right? We’re all wondering when the Covid Crisis will end and how we can hold it together until it does. Would it help  if I were to share how I have put on my brave face for my kids, my resolute face for my husband, and yet had an epic melt down at the end of the first week of self-isolation?  I was so human that day!

I will not say that this self-isolation or the lockdowns going into effect are the “new normal.”  That is not the America that I dream of.  That is what history books of the dark ages talk about.  Is this what Europe was like during the “Black Death?”  Probably not, as social media and mainstream media hadn’t been invented yet.

What is normal is that the darkness of world seems to come down upon us with greater force.  At a time when thousands of families were hopeful of their economic situations, with the possibilities to give their children even more opportunities to “change their stars,” to semi- quote a line from the movie, Knightstale. However, I have received confirmation again, that God is in charge and provides blessings everywhere, even in preparation of COVID 19 coming to us.

How so?  Well, the sports industry have all but shut down.  The entertainment industry has produced mostly garbage these last few years, that staying home from the movies theaters has been easier.  Which is sad, as that was at one point a great family outing. The economic boom made it easy for citizens to prepare quickly to obtaining items they needed to isolate for 14 days.  Abortion clinics will have to be shut down, saving thousands of babies, who otherwise would not have lived. Parents will hopefully witness what their children are learning in schools and start to question more vocally to teachers and administrators.  And perhaps the most important is that families start to know each other once again!  More dinners at the kitchen tables, more real discussions and relationship building between parents and their children.  So in fact maybe our stars have changed!

Liberty and freedom are built upon the foundation of strong families.  As parents we can restore our homes to be earthquake proof, and even virus proof, with the help of God by including him in everything we do within the walls of our homes.

We pray for your families, for your health and for our country during this trying time!  Count the blessings, secure your homes, protect your families, and teach of liberty so it doesn’t die.  Look to God and live!