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Moms For America - Blog - Why is the gift of life so controversial
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Why is the gift of life so controversial?

Jan 15, 2020

Moms For America - Blog - Why is the gift of life so controversial

Why is the gift of life so controversial?

Written by Debbie Kraulidis, Moms For America

Why is the gift of life so controversial?  Seems like a strange question to ask – right?   But then again it seems to make people frankly lose their minds.   They choose political sides, yell, fight, cry and often forget about the life forming inside the womb.  It becomes about them.   I am truly blessed because my parents always reminded me that God created me, that God formed me in my mother’s womb and He alone was my Creator.

I was a late life baby that many would call an accident, but thankfully I always knew that I wasn’t.  My parents were quite surprised to find out they were having a baby at 42.   My brothers were 16 and 20 years old so – yeah – they were shocked to say the least!  I was never called unplanned; I was called a surprise.

My mom told me that people would say some interesting things to her like – I hope the baby’s going to be ok and that the doctor informed her often during her pregnancy that – there is a high risk that the baby may have downs syndrome. My parents knew that life had come to them again and this surprise child was not theirs but Gods.

I am eternally grateful for the gift of life.  Especially since I’ve had the privilege of birthing three amazing children of my own.   It’s not controversial.  It’s beautiful.  It’s not simple or hard.  It’s not boy or girl, it’s certainly not in our control and yes – it’s not even ours.  That is why it cannot be controversial – Life is from God the Creator and not us.  It’s not about us!   As mothers, we carry the gift of life but it’s truly God himself who gives it. Life is way beyond us.  Can we really attribute anyone or anything to Life except the absolute miracle that God himself designs it?   A child nestled in its mother’s womb perfectly fashioned together each day, waiting to meet its mom and new family.

Life is not a thing, a debate or a protest. It is not controversial.  Mamas your baby is a prize, a legacy, a gift and yes – yours to love, nurture and raise.

(Be inspired, read Psalm 139:13-16, Acts 17:25)