Liberty Pledge
Action Items

Liberty Pledge
Action Items

Download Wallet Size Pledge Cards
A wallet size pledge card may be downloaded and printed as a constant reminder of the key principles we must live by to preserve our liberties. Download a wallet-size copy of your pledge card. Front and back sides are shown.
Recommended: Print on card stock, sign and fold in half to carry in the wallet as a reminder of your pledge to liberty.
Click on the links below to discover the many opportunities available to get involved with the preservation of liberty.
Parent Education
- Make quality family life your highest priority. Heal and strengthen relationships within the family unit.
- Participate in a Constitution or Healing of America seminar to learn about about national history and government. See Moms for America Cottage Meeting Project
- Develop parenting skills and teach children the value of self-government. See Teaching Children Self-Government course by Nicholeen Peck
Family Education
- Have a family meal time once a day and discuss important issues. See Moms for America Table Talk program.
- Hold a family story hour each day and read stories about the founding and establishment of America. See Libraries of Hope – Freedom Series and Story Bible.
- Plan a family vacation to visit American historical sites
- Watch the feature film “A More Perfect Union” together as a family. See our full list of great films you can watch together to promote principles of liberty and virtue in your home
Neighborhood and
Community Education
- Participate in or host a Cottage Meeting for your neighbors. See Moms for America Cottage Meeting Project
- Host or participate in a Making of America Constitution Seminar from the National Center for Constitutional Studies
- Participate in or host a Center for Self-governance Training Seminar and learn how to “keep the Republic”
- Participate in or host a community class with Americans for Prosperity Bridge to Wellbeing Program
Constitution Classes
- Participate in a Constitution class to gain an understanding of the US Constitution from the viewpoint of the Founding Fathers.
- The following courses are recommended:
- Healing of America Seminars
- Making of America Seminars from National Center for Constitutional Studies
- Constitution 101 from Hillsdale College
- Promises of the Constitution
K-12 Education
- Teach the rising generation principles of liberty and Constitutional government.
- The following resources are recommended:
- Book: Raising a New Generation of Patriots from Moms for America
- Hearthstone Education Plan A K-12 Education Guide for home school families
- Land of Fair Play
- Well Educated Heart program from Libraries of Hope
- Promises of the Constitution
“God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.”