Empower Moms - Moms for America

From School Choice to School Boards

You’ll Find it All Here!

From School Choice
to School Boards

You’ll Find it All Here!

Equip & Mentor

Momma bears have risen up like never before to champion the needs and rights of their children for a quality education.  The voice of moms – and dads – is loud and clear, demanding an end to false critical race theories, pornographic sex education and gender manipulation in the name of choice.  Check out the resources to become educated on all of the critical issues facing kids and families in public education.  You will learn what your rights are as a parent and how to effectively exercise them, what your educational options are, how to effectively engage with your school board or to run for school board, and how to connect with other moms in your area for encouragement and support.

Parental Rights

As a mom, you have a fundamental right to direct your child’s education, upbringing, and health care. These rights are being violated in public schools through mask mandates, pornographic sex ed, and false race theory – endangering the physical, emotional, and social well being of our children. Stand up for your rights as a mother by signing the Moms for America® Declaration of Mothers here!

Your rights as a parent exist whether a law upholds them, and yet in the current environment where school officials and health departments are clamoring to usurp those rights, a legal framework gives parents a leg to stand on.  Moms for America® Florida Parents Bill of Rights is model legislation in support of parental rights.

MomForce - Schooling Options

Education Options

More than ever, parents are experiencing an attack on their rights to direct their child’s education.  There are many options for you as a mom!  You can choose home school, private school, charter school or public school.  We can brainstorm with you and provide guidance on this important choice.

Over 90% of kids in the U.S. attend public school.  For those who wish to keep their kids in public school, we can provide training and mentoring for how to effectively engage with your school officials and your school board, and if you plan to run for school board, and when you win!


Moms for America® will connect, equip, and mentor moms like you as you take control of your children’s education from the kitchen table to the school board. Whatever the setting, your kids deserve a classical liberal arts education focused on excellence to set them up for success, and they should get it in an educational environment without a political agenda.

Our mission is to connect, equip, and mentor moms as they seek out the best educational opportunities for their kids, and to help moms fight for their rights in guiding their children’s education.

MomForce - Connect, Equip and Mentor

Be Empowered

Moms can help heal America from the inside out! Learn what your rights are, where they come from and how to exercise them as a citizen and a parent. 

What You Need to Know

Learn what dangerous school curriculums your kids are being exposed to, how school officials are usurping your parental rights, and what you can do about it.

Education Options

Learn about educational options, how to safely and legally pull your kids from public school and where to connect with Mentor Moms who can help.

School Board Engagement

Discover what you need to know to exercise your rights and effectively engage with your state and local school board.

Running for School Board

Check out these resources that will help if you are interested in running for school board or helping good candidates win.

Serving on the School Board

Check out our alternative to the NSBA for school board members with a student-focused, community-minded approach.

Want to talk with an Empower Moms  Mentor?

If we mean to have Heroes, Statesmen and Philosophers, we should have learned women.”

~ Abigail Adams