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Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

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Florida Moms for America Supports SB 146: Fetal and Infant Mortality Reduction

Jan 10, 2022

Florida Moms for America Supports SB 146

​For Immediate Release: January 11th, 2022

Davenport, Fla. — Florida Moms for America voices support for Florida Senator Kelly Stargel’s efforts to Protect Our Most Vulnerable Citizens. Science tells us that at 12-Weeks Gestation, a child’s vital organs are fully formed. Dr. Ben Carson, former director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center has stated that he performed surgeries on infants pre-birth and they are very much alive. Governor Ron DeSantis and Kelly Stargel has taken a huge step in protecting our Children’s Individual Rights to a life without unlawfully and willfully inflicting pain.

Florida Moms for America recognizes our moral duty as citizens to Honor our Constitution and protect the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of ALL who are blessed to live in our great nation. Florida Moms for America is made up of regular moms who serve with kindness and humility, Protecting the divine character of all Human Beings – Born and Unborn!

Amber Lang, Florida Mom Activist stated, “Every life, no matter how tiny, is a sacred and precious gift from God, even during times of fear, anxiety, pain, and uncertainty. Abortion has many victims: the innocent babies painfully ripped from the safety of their mother’s wombs, the parents who experience the often unexpected trauma of that choice, and the loved ones surrounding them. I stand in support of SB 146: Fetal and Infant Mortality Reduction. Where there is life, there is hope.”

“As a Christian, I believe that before we were formed in the womb, Christ knew us. Every life is sacred, from even before the moment of conception. As an American mother, I’m dedicated to protecting the rights of not only my children, but children who may not have someone to fight for them. I believe the unalienable right to life, begins at conception. Abortion is not just an easy way out of an unexpected or inconvenient situation. Abortion is robbing the most vulnerable individuals of their right to life. I proudly support SB 146: Fetal and Infant Mortality Reduction. Fight like a mother, our future literally depends on it,” Christina Stephens, nurse and mother stated.

Nikki Murphy, a FMFA team member, and nurse practitioner, stated, “I believe in the sanctity of life and that each human life is created in the image of God. As a Nurse Practitioner and follower of Christ, I will always advocate for ALL lives, especially our most vulnerable. It is imperative that women are informed that although abortion is presented as a quick fix, it has lasting emotional, psychological, spiritual and (potentially) physical implications.”

Moms for America® is recognized as one of the fastest growing movements of women in America, giving voice and value to the silent majority of American women who love God, protect life, treasure family, and cherish freedom. Moms for America® is a national movement uniting moms across the country on a mission to reclaim culture for truth, family, freedom, and the constitution, to raise a new generation of patriots, and to heal America from the inside out through the homes and hearts of the mothers of America. Moms for America® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education corporation dedicated to promoting a foundation of liberty through the mothers of America in their homes, within their communities, and with their vote.