Homeschool Mom2Mom - Webinar Presentations by Moms for America


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Homeschool Mom2Mom - Webinar Presentations by Moms for America


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Join us for our monthly webinar series!

April 14, 2025:

Homeschool Success – Navigating High School and College with Confidence

Homeschool Mom2Mom - Homeschool Success - Navigating High School and College with Confidence - Moms for America

Homeschool Mom2Mom
is Hosted by – Liz Ackerman

Whether you’re talking about declining academic excellence, gender politics in the classroom, or the intentional undermining of parents, it’s clear that our government-run public schools are a hot mess.

Moms for America wants to offer parents an alternative solution. That’s why we created our monthly webinar series, Homeschool Mom2Mom. This webinar series focuses on equipping parents for their homeschool journey. By discovering different curriculum options, learning from experienced guest speakers, and building relationships with other homeschool moms, we want to encourage, educate, and empower parents to take control of their children’s education. Thus, eliminating our reliance on government-run schools.

2025 Presentations

Homeschool Success - Navigating High School and College with Confidence - Homeschool Mom2Mom - Moms for America

Navigating High School and College with Confidence

True Freedom vs Faux Freedom - Homeschool Mom2Mom - Moms for America

True Freedom vs Faux Freedom

Entrepreneurship for Teens and Tweens - Homeschool Mom2Mom - moms for America

Entrepreneurship for Teens and Tweens

Homeschool Mom2Mom - Raising Servant Leaders - Moms for America

Raising Servant Leaders

2024 Presentations

Homeschool Collaboratives: Which is the Best Fit for You?


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman.

Does the idea of homeschooling your children by yourself just overwhelm you with feelings of inadequacy and dread? If so, you are not alone and you are not without hope! Teamwork makes the dream work and you don’t have to do it alone; you can band together as homeschooling parents and form a collaborative! There are so many types, and so this month we welcome into the Homeschool Mom2Mom studio three different collaboratives, each with their own unique qualities and each demonstrating not only how they did it, but how you can do it, too.


Ross Hill – Mariner Learning Collaborative
>> Website
>> Email

Renee Zentz – Family Lyceum
>> Website
>> Email

>> Create Your Own Self-Directed Learning Center (SDLC)

The Effects of Public School On Our Kids


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and
Special Guests – Protect Our Kids

Public school is the most accessible and convenient education option for most of our nation’s families, but have you ever wondered what the long term effects of public schooling are? Join Protect Our Kids as they share the latest research on the very detrimental physical, mental, and emotional toll public school has on our children and why it may be in their best interest to find alternative educational paths for them.


Protect Our Kids Contact Information

>> Website
>> Marie Hyepock
>> Katie McCarthy

Social Media

>> Facebook
>> Instagram
>> X/Twitter
>> Youtube


>> POK Brochures
>> Videos/Conferences
>> Say What? Podcast
>> Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
>> Documentary: “Am I A Racist?” by Matt Walsh
>> Get Out Now: Why you Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late


Addressing Your Homeschooler’s Challenging Behaviors


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Scott Aksamit.

Day in and day out with our kiddos is the BEST THING EVER… until it isn’t! As much as we love spending all your days with your offspring, there are times when it takes all our sanity to make it through the more difficult days. Behavior Specialist Scott Aksamit will join us in our Homeschool Mom2Mom studio to teach you, your child’s best (and often only) teacher, how to effectively manage and transform their more challenging behaviors, without the drama, the screaming, or the self-defeating and repetitive patterns that we so often encounter.


If you would like a personalized behavioral blueprint for your child, reach out to Scott TODAY!

>> Scott’s Email
Phone: Phone: 720-281-8930 

>> Emotional Self-Defense: A Straightforward Guidebook to Master Your Emotional State

>> View Scott’s previous Moms for America Webinar: “Transform Your Child’s Behavior”

Global Threats & Family-Based Solutions


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special Guest Kimberly Ells.

Do you consider yourself an “unpaid care worker” in your home? Do you think the governments of the world should “formalize the care economy” and get all women to work for pay outside their homes? Should “universal daycare” be provided for everyone in order to fulfill all people’s “care rights”? Kimberly Ells just returned from the United Nations where she saw firsthand these latest threats to family, education, and society being rolled out worldwide in the name of women’s rights. Come learn how you can counter these threats and stand strong as the first and best influencer of your family.



>> The Invincible Family

>> Hold Onto Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More than Peers

>> Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters

“The effects of maternal absence on our children is a major social issue of our time” – Erica Komisar

Web Resources

Invincible Family Substack Blog

Coalition for Responsible Homeschooling Education (be aware of what they are advocating)

Attendee Referenced Resources

>> Government Nannies

Obsolete Homeschool Mom: Raising Self-Motivated Learners


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Katie McCarthy.

Does the thought of homeschooling your kids just make you feel exhausted and overwhelmed and wondering where you got lost in the mix? In this episode of Homeschool Mom2Mom, join Liz Ackerman and her guest, Katie McCarthy, Director of Marketing forProtect Our Kids, who not only homeschooled SEVEN kids but made herself obsolete and raised self-motivated learners, freeing up her time to do other things! You won’t want to miss this!


Contact Information
>> Katie’s email

Online Homeschooling Resources
>> Protect Our Kids – Homeschooling

>> Seton Homeschool Academy

>> Catholic Kindergarten Syllabus

>> Queen of Heaven Academy

>> Moms for America Education Options

Homeschool Graduates: SUCCESS!!


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and a panel of successful graduates.

On the fence about homeschooling your student because you’re not sure how that education will translate into real adult life? Join Liz Ackerman, host of the monthly Homeschool Mom2Mom podcast, and a panel of very successful homeschool graduates as they share the victories and the pitfalls of their homeschool experience, and where in life that education has taken them.


>> The Toxic Consequences of Attending a High-Achieving School

Curriculums and Programs
>> Acellus Academy A fully accredited online option for self-paced homeschooling

>> Christian Home Educators of Colorado

>> Christian Liberty Homeschooling

>> Non-Charter Homeschooling Options

Miscellaneous Resources
>> Christian Book Distributors


Microschooling: Creating Supportive Family Relationships and Learning Environments


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Kaity Broadbent.

How can you unlock your child’s love of learning and intrinsic motivation? How can you give them everything they need to thrive and become the very best versions of themselves? Kaity Broadbent – author, parenting coach, and Prenda microschool pioneer – will explore with us the last 40 years of research and show how we can parent and educate our children in ways that support healthy brain development. Learn about the new form of education that is helping thousands of kids and families across the country unlock joyful learning.


>> Prenda Website

>> Kaity’s email

>> The Sunday Spark

>> KindleED Podcast

Primary (K-3), could be used for ESL

>> STOP THE INSANITY: Getting your Child to Listen and Respond
2-Part Webinar Series with Kaity Prenda

Protecting Your Child From Online Predators: Homeschool Edition!


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Mikayla Simeral.

Sex trafficking is on the rise throughout the world, in the United States, and in our backyards…one would think that homeschooling would protect our children from that, right?  WRONG.  Join Mikayla Simeral, Shared Hope International, as she uncovers how sex traffickers are invading the privacy of your child’s bedroom right before your very eyes, what signs and symptoms of trafficking are, and how to truly protect your child within and without your home.


>> Shared Hope International Website

>> Mikayla’s email

>> CHOSEN: Stop Predators (Homeschool Edition)

>> Raising Humans in a Digital World

Preparedness for the Homeschooling Family


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Lisa Bedford.

Up until just 40 or so years ago, preparedness – or “prepping” – was a normal way of life.  Now, the term prepping evokes feelings of paranoia, panic, and full-on fear-mongering.  In this webinar, Lisa Bedford, aka The Survival Mom, re-normalizes the art of preparing for whatever life brings and shares how this can become a core part of your own homeschooling curriculum


>> The Survival Mom Website

>> The Survival Mom Book

>> Homeschool Advice from Lisa

>> The Survival Sisterhood

>> Fast Track Prepping Course

The True Corrective


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Patrick Garrison.

Discover “The True Corrective” – a subscription program empowering parents to take back authority and control over their children’s education by combining a powerful curriculum, exclusive support content from our partner organizations, and connection to a community of parents passionate to make sure their children receive the education they need and deserve.


Patrick Garrison’s Contact Information

The True Corrective website –

Middle School MBA: From the Classroom to the Boardroom


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest John Foster.

Preparing young people to be successful in a free-market economy is the mission of John Foster and the award-winning Middle School MBA program! Learn how you can implement this in a homeschooling, co-op, charter, or even extra-curricular setting!


John Foster’s Contact Information
Middle School MBA website –
Online store:
50% Discount code: MOMSFORAMERICA

>> Economics in One Video

>> Epoch Times Article 

Creating Patriotic Curriculum


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Jane Hampton Cook.

Jane Hampton Cook shares some of the historical fiction she has written and how she has created curriculum from it, as well as how you can model her method to create your own.


Shop at Jane’s store and use the code 1776 for a 15% discount!
>> First Fireworks for Independence
>> Stories of Faith & Courage from The Revolutionary War
>> The Submarine & the Spies
>> Digital Download Curriculums

>> Jane’s Blog on Substack

>> U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons (IEW)
>> Prager U for Kids
>> Patriot’s Reading List (from Moms for America)
>> The Preamble with Hand Motions

2023 Presentations

How to Homeschool When You’re Just TOO Busy!


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Sam Sorbo.

Join homeschooling advocate and guru, Sam Sorbo, to learn how even the busiest families can give their students the homeschooling opportunity – what a gift!


Homeschooling Through the Holidays


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Annie Holmquist.

Holidays can be a rich time of continued education that your students won’t even recognize as education! Join us as we explore how to maximize the holiday season for you and your kids!


Self-Government Works (for Homeschoolers, Too!)


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guests Bill and Sarah Norton.

The acclaimed “Self-Government Works” simulation doesn’t just suit a traditional classroom situation…it can also be used to teach homeschoolers how our government evolved and why it is the most effective form of government! Join Bill and Sarah Norton as they share how you can use this with your homeschool students for an enriching, amazing experience!


Pods & Mini-Schools


Join Moms for America host Liz Ackerman and special guest Kerry McDonald from the LiberatED podcast as they discuss alternatives to public schools like PODS, Mini-Schools, and more.


Get Organized: We Can Help


Feel like there’s no way you have enough patience or skill to educate your own children? Nonsense! You are their mom and you are their greatest expert. In this webinar we featured special guest Amber M. Shimel and she discussed her Homeschooling Simplified book.


Family Bonding through Genealogy


Join Liz Ackerman, and our special guest Kayla Branch, a genealogy expert, as we discuss the importance of family history and how to incorporate it into your home education experience.


Ways to Make Summer Count!


In this webinar we featured special guest Brett Pike of Classical Learner. Brett shared the amazing Nature Study he created and discussed all things homeschool related.


Homeschool Outside


Home education doesn’t have to be boring! Join us as we chat with Ginny Yurich, author and creator of “1000 Hours Outside.” We’ll discuss all the different ways you can take your homeschool outdoors.


Fighting for Parental Rights with guest, David DeLugas


Did you know that there are many organizations that are fighting for parental rights? The right to care for your child, the right to school your child in the manner you choose, the right to your God-given authority over your child and their needs. We are very thankful to have David DeLugas join us for this special webinar. David is a trial and appellate attorney with expertise in constitutional and family law. In 2013, he founded ParentsUSA after confirming the absence of an entity in the USA with the size and power to look after the interests of parents and their children and to fight for their rights. This promises to be a very enlightening and educational webinar.

Do You Know All of Your Schooling Options?


How do you begin homeschooling your child? Do you know how many options are open to parents who choose not to enroll their children in public school? How do you connect with other parents in your area? What types of learning styles are there? Are you an unschooler, public school at home, co-op member, or classical learner? Confused on what any of this means? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We know the options are endless. Please join us and our special guest speakers Lacey Price and Michael Strong of Liberation of Education to discuss all of these topics and more. We know you will leave this webinar feeling more confident in your choices and your ability to homeschool your children.


What is CRT, and Does it Affect Homeschoolers?


Join Empower Moms Director Aly Legge as she details what CRT (critical race theory) is and where it came from. Aly will share her experience with CRT and how it can affect homeschoolers, not just publicly schooled children. Aly will cover the dangers of CRT and why even homeschool parents should be voicing their opposition every chance they get. This is a very hot topic right now, and Aly comes prepared with a wealth of information.


New Year, Fresh Start!


Have you ever wondered about the true history of Thanksgiving? Did the Pilgrims really eat mussels and deer for their first Thanksgiving meal? We will discuss the history of the first Thanksgiving so you can share it with your children. We will also discuss Gratitude and Service. This time of year usually brings about the desire to help people. You give to the bell ringer at the mall. You donate to food drives at church, but how can you really serve people? How can you be God’s hands and feet? How can we serve people during the holidays AND keep that desire to serve others all year long?


2022 Presentations

Homeschooling for the Holidays


Happy Holidays! Homeschooling during the holidays can be among the most joyous times in your homeschool year. Will you take a break and not do any formal school? Will you learn about holiday customs around the world? Will you focus your attention on celebrating and cooking? There are so many options to choose from. Join us as we discuss all of these options and more. Let’s make your holiday homeschool more meaningful and fun this year!


Thanksgiving, Gratitude & Service


Have you ever wondered about the true history of Thanksgiving? Did the Pilgrims really eat mussels and deer for their first Thanksgiving meal? We will discuss the history of the first Thanksgiving so you can share it with your children. We will also discuss Gratitude and Service. This time of year usually brings about the desire to help people. You give to the bell ringer at the mall. You donate to food drives at church, but how can you really serve people? How can you be God’s hands and feet? How can we serve people during the holidays AND keep that desire to serve others all year long? Join us as we discuss all of this and more.


Listen to the
Homeschool Mom2Mom

Liz Ackerman - Homeschool Mom2Mom Host & Trainer - Moms for America

The host & facilitator of the webinars is Liz Ackerman and her homeschool journey began in 1982 when her oldest child was registered for kindergarten, but never went. Since then, she has networked with many pioneers in education. Several grandchildren are now following alternative educational paths.