Patriotic Kid T-Shirts
Girls & Boys Sizes Available
Let your kids show off their Patriotic American Spirit with these fun t-shirts.

Patriotic Kid
Let your kids show off that they are a Patriotic Kid! Available in Girls and Boys sizes.

Patriotic Kid
Coloring Book
& Crayons
The kids can learn and have fun too with this coloring book.

Patriot Pack
for Kids
Get this complete Patriotic Set for your kids. Includes a t-shirt backpack, coloring book, crayons, small American flag, and a pocket Constitution booklet!
With these fun products and our interactive guided lessons for kids …
you can be part of restoring patriotism in America
one home and one child at a time!
– For the Moms –

Raising Patriots
Men and women can show they are working to preserve freedom by Raising the next generation of Patriots.

Moms Vote
Be part of the powerful movement of Moms that will stand up and Vote for a better America.

Freedom-Loving Mom
Let everyone know you are a Moms for America, Freedom-Loving Mom with this simplistic design.

Moms for America
Be sure to get one of these soft purple heather t-shirts to show that you are proud to be part of Moms for America.
These Moms for America shirts will help show off your spirit – from getting out to vote, to raising a generation of patriots and being a freedom-loving mom. You can be part of this powerful movement of moms who won’t settle for anything less than the best for your children and family.