Empower Moms - Moms for America



Empower Moms - Moms for America



Education Options

Choice in Education - Empower Moms - Moms for America

Parents have a fundamental and supreme right protected in the Constitution to guide and direct the education of their children. There are many options from homeschooling to private school that are cost effective and totally achievable and we’re here to help.

Moms for America provides resources, partner links, and mom mentors to help guide you through whatever choice you make in the best interest of your children. In fact, now more than ever, there are many resources available to help you with your curriculum – classical studies that focus on reading, writing, real science, traditional math instruction, and accurate history.

Public School Exit  is a great resource for parents who want to withdraw from the public school systems and are looking for  alternative school options for you and your family.

Action Item

Where to Start?

There are many supports and resources to help you. We have provided many for you. We recommend the following steps to provide the best opportunities for your children and protection for your family.

Become a member of Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). This is an exceptional organization that provides information on homeschool laws in your state and what you need to do to legally homeschool in your state. They also provide legal assistance if you have any issues with the local school or government. HSLDA provides personalized guidance, information, resources, and legal protection. And it’s just $125.00 a year! Imagine, a full legal team at your disposal for $125.00. You can join at hslda.org/join

Register to Homeschool. To protect your family and your children, we strongly recommend you register to homeschool no matter how you plan to teach your children while you strike. This is the best protection against any bullying, intimidation, or legal action the school district or teachers’ unions may try to use against you. Every state is different so you will need to read through the laws for your own state.  HSLDA provides the laws for all 50 states at the following link.  Homeschool Laws By State (hslda.org) We strongly recommend you explore the HSLDA website to learn more about homeschooling and the freedom to choose and guide your children’s educational experience.  There is a great video and information on getting started with homeschooling at the following link Get Started (hslda.org)

Visit Public School Exit. PublicSchoolExit.com There is an enormous amount of information and support found on the Public School Exit website from educational options to parent support. Many parents feel “unqualified” or “inadequate” to teach their children. That is because we look at public school and think that is what we have to do. Public schools have become a factory model that is ineffective so why would we be duplicating it? That is not what homeschooling is. Homeschooling simply means you guide the education of your children. It is individual for each family and each child. PublicSchoolExit.com provides an abundance of ideas from parent-share co-ops to micro schools. Homeschooling allows you to be creative, customize your student’s work to their needs and focus on the areas you feel are most important for their moral and intellectual development.

Start a Learning Pod. According to School Choice Week, as families grapple with a changing education environment and choose to exit public schools, some may want the flexibility, safety, and community they desire in small, local learning arrangements called learning pods. You will find details here to research the school pod concept, get to know state requirements related to pods and discover the variety of pod types so you can choose what works best for you and the families you join with to start a learning pod. See the “Start a Learning Pod” resources below for more information.

MomForce Resources - A Move Back to Classical Education
MomForce Resources - A Move Back to Classical Education

Parents long for the classical education in the liberal arts tradition. Lessons developed critical thinkers who could debate ideas and created a love for learning. This kind of education is still available. Parents are teaching it to their children at home with the help of resources available in online classes, in pods with other moms where they share facilitating the homeschooling of a small group of trust kids, and in many books that guide parents to develop their own curriculum, as well as using multiple sources for complete classical and/or Christian based curriculum. There’s a plethora of resources to support you. Exercise your fundamental rights as parents – say no to government schools and take back control of your children’s education.

Sam Sorbo "School's Out" TV Series - Epoch TV

We highly, highly recommend you watch this riveting series by actress, author, and homeschool advocate, Sam Sorbo. You need to subscribe to Epoch TV to access it but it is only $49 a year and very worth it!


Hearthstone Education Plan

The proven heart-based, student-centered, parent-guided model that will ignite a love of learning in the hearts of your children.


Thomas Jefferson Education

The premiere leadership education resource chocked full of stories, audios, videos, booklists and even mentoring.  We also highly recommend the book A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille.


Homeschool Mom2Mom

A great resource to start you on the road to homeschool with confidence. Full of videos, information, and ideas from seasoned homeschool parents.


Parents Defending Education

A national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting indoctrination in the classroom – and for the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.


The Unplanned Homeschooler

This is a fantastic blog created by a mom who never planned to be a homeschooler. Many moms found themselves in that same position during covid lockdowns. This is the journey of one mom, why she went from resistant to persistent homeschooler and what she learned along the way.  She has a great post from 2014 on “How to withdraw from public school.”


Cottage Meeting Project

Creating a powerful foundation of liberty and learning in the hearts of mothers and resources to nurture a love of liberty in the hearts of your children.  The Cottage Meeting Project is available through Moms for America. We also strongly recommend reading the Declaration of Mothers and consider adding your name.


Homeschool Legal Defense Association

The information, support, resources, and legal protection you need to take charge of your children’s education.


Public School Exit

The gateway to all the options available to you and your family when choosing the best education experience for your children.


Parental Rights

A powerful support and resource protecting children and empowering parents.  Full of excellent information on parental rights and how to effectively exercise those rights to protect your children and secure your freedom.


Hillsdale Online Courses & Curriculum
Hillsdale College has a whole bank of online classes suitable for middle and high school children and adults of all ages. These engaging video courses are presented by Hillsdale professors and include studies from Western Civilization to Economics.  Exceptionally well done and highly recommended.


Recognizing the critical moment in which we live and in response to hundreds of requests from concerned Americans, Hillsdale College has authored a complete curriculum of American history and civics lessons for K-12 classrooms. This curriculum is modeled on the civic education students at Hillsdale-affiliated K-12 schools receive, is created by teachers and professors, and is applicable to any kind of K-12 school: public, private, charter, and homeschool. We believe it is the most comprehensive and highest quality history and civics curriculum now available. And it is entirely free.


Find this new curriculum at K12.Hillsdale.edu

Child and Family Protection

John Adams said, “The foundations of national morality must be laid in private families.” This website takes that statement to heart, providing several articles and information sources on public issues related to your family and how they affect you, your family and our national sovereignty. This is a great resource for discerning parents who want to keep up with public policy that impacts the family.


Start A Learning Pod - Choice In Education - MomForce Resources
Start A Learning Pod - Choice In Education - MomForce Resources

According to School Choice Week, as families grapple with a changing education environment and choose to exit public schools, some may want the flexibility, safety, and community they desire in small, local learning arrangements called learning pods. You will find details here to research the school pod concept, get to know state requirements related to pods and discover the variety of pod types so you can choose what works best for you and the families you join with to start a learning pod. Also, check out the online learning resources that you can use in your pod found in our Choice in Education section.

The Arrival of Pod Schools


What You Need to Know to Start a Pod

National School Choice Week

MomForce Resources - Your Choice in Education
MomForce Resources - Your Choice in Education
The resources below are aimed at helping parents wondering where to find classical education materials and remove their kid’s from schools that force harmful curriculum on their children. Whether you are looking for remote learning, curriculum and learning plans, or just like minded families for encouragement and guidance, you can find what’s best for your K-12 children at these links.

Patriotic Students of America

Dr. Elizabeth Enns

Classical Learner

An Education Worthy of Freedom

Schoolhouse Rocked! The Homeschool Revolution


The Exodus Mandate

Retired Army Chaplain Col. Ray Moore

Parent Strike

Moms for America®

iLumenEd Academy

A Virtual Christian School

Thales Academy

Focusing on World-Class Academics

Public School Exit

Alternatives to Government Schooling

Abeka Academy Video Homeschool

Video lessons for K4-12th Grade from Abeka

Classical Conversations

Classical, Christian and Community help for Homeschooling

The Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum

Ron Paul

The Good & The Beautiful

Homeschooling Curriculums

The Hearthstone Plan

Hearthstone – Where to Start?

Agency Based Education

Principles of Agency-Based Education

Unschooling Mom2Mom

Get Answers to Your Questions about Unschooling

An American Classical Education at Home

Hillsdale College

The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum

Hillsdale College

Full-featured Online Homeschool Planner

Homeschool PLANET

Homeschooling: Philosophies of Education

Charlotte Mason

A Guide to Classical Education at Home

The Well Trained Mind

Homeschooling? Leadership Education

Thomas Jefferson Leadership Education

Legal Defense for Homeschool Families

Homeschool Legal Defense Association

Homeschool Help and Guidance


Judicial Watch Weekly School Related Topics

Tom Fitton – Judicial Watch

Culture Smart Moms – News & Topics on Today’s Issues

Moms for America®

MomForce Resources - A Move Back to Classical Education
MomForce Resources - Universal Preschool, All Day Kindergarten

The federal government is proposing to force “preschool for all” programs in the public schools. But, is universal all-day preschool what’s best for your children? Very young children need time to play and spend time with their families – not to spend full days in a classroom. Some current curriculums in the public schools could subject your child to inappropriate subjects at an early age, and families will be prevented from having the time to guide their children spiritually at this very impressionable stage. It’s important to become informed about this newest federal over reach into your lives.

The Case Against Full Day Kindergarten: Part 1

Blog: Hip Homeschool Moms

Another Gold Standard Study Shows Preschool Ineffective

Heartland Institute

Reviewing the Research on Universal Preschool and All Day Kindergarten

Heartland Institute

MomForce Resources - Civics
MomForce Resources - Civics

Every provision of the Constitution was based upon the Founders’ understanding of righteousness and timeless principles. In these resources it will become evident that the Constitution – as written and as intended by its Founders – is as appropriate and relevant today as it was when first implemented. The Constitution is a timeless document because it is based upon human nature which does not change. Correctly practiced, it produces a truly free people who can achieve that which all mankind is seeking: FREEDOM, PROSPERITY, and PEACE.

The Healing of America Series

A Moms for America® Project

1776 Project

Woodson Center

Restore the Constitutional Republic through Grassroots Education

Institute On the Constitution – Constitution Course

Learn the Principles of Freedom

In the Constitution – Constitution Course

Principles of Government Books and Curriculum

National Center for Constitutional Studies

Self-Government Works - Curriculum

Self-Government Works - Curriculum - Moms for America Recommended Resources

Self-Government Works is an American History simulation where students (grades 7-12) build, maintain, and experiment with self-governance. Students forge their independence through self-governing practices inside and outside the classroom.  This simulation allows students to learn the historical evolution of self-government as they create their own in-class government system, increasing student engagement and interest in U.S. history and government. It perfectly counters historical revisionist curriculum, including, but not limited to, CRT and the 1619 Project.  It does this not because it has an opposing agenda, but because students are able to learn firsthand the historical challenges and victories of self-government. They learn for themselves that the American Republic is not oppressive; rather, it is the most liberating form of government in history.


The True Corrective

The True Corrective - An Education Initiative - Moms for America

The True Corrective There is a war raging for the hearts and minds of our children. Correct your child’s in-school or homeschool education with the shared values and principles that bind us together as a people. The monthly subscription includes a unique curriculum, private online community for parents, and additional support content from our partner organizations.