Media & News

Moms for America to host inaugural SOTU Address by America’s Moms this Tuesday

Jan 28, 2019

Moms for America to host inaugural SOTU Address

Washington, D.C.– In lieu of the President’s postponement of his SOTU Address…

Moms for America will host its inaugural “SOTU Address by America’s Moms” on Tuesday, Jan 29th at 5pm in the Phyllis Schlafly Center in Washington, D.C.

The event will also be live-streamed from our Facebook page: Moms March for America.

Speakers who will address the America public on the state of our union include mothers from all over the country and from different walks of life: moms from Angel families, moms from Gold Star families, a 9/11 wife, an FBI widow, a family law attorney, a pro-life advocate, an urban community advocate, and more.

  • threats to our first and second amendment freedoms,
  • the fundamental right to life,
  • the desperate need to secure our border and eliminate sanctuary cities,
  • the divisive rhetoric from the far Left and its consequences on our law enforcement and their families,
  • the incivility in the media and the effect of current culture on the breakdown of American families,
  • the harsh reality of the role of progressive politics in the struggles of minority communities and families.

Our purpose is not only to speak about our nation’s biggest issues from a mother’s perspective but also to encourage and inspire moms all across the great country to awareness and action. Ours is a message of encouragement–mothers, as they have always been, will be the hope of this nation and the key to its future!

Conservative, every-day women are not being heard. Moms for America is giving them a voice.

Moms for America