Media & News

Moms For America’s State of the Union Speaks for Life and Family, Draws Huge Audience

Feb 5, 2019

State of the Union

Washington, D.C.–On January 29, Moms for America (MFA) launched its first ever State of the Union address. While some presidential SOTU addresses are often laundry lists of expensive government programs, MFA spoke for and to the mothers of America about keeping our families and nation strong.

Gold Star mom and MFA Vice President Karen Vaughn led off with a stirring defense of the right to life. Vaughn spoke of her own life experience with unplanned pregnancy and her decision to have her son. The pro-life message is more important than ever, as states such as New York and Virginia have contemplated or passed extreme laws allowing babies to be aborted up to moments before birth. Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) even admitted that his state’s proposed law allows “abortion” after birth – which is infanticide.

The event included Angel moms, a 9/11 survivor’s wife, an FBI widow, a family law attorney, and a pro-life advocate… all united in strengthening families to save America’s future.

People from all across America turned in to the online broadcast, which Breitbart covered live. More than 250,000 Americans watched it in the first 24 hours. MFA President Kimberly Fletcher and Mrs. Vaughn also appeared on Fox and Friends the next morning and carried the moms’ message to millions. Instapundit and many other sites have since linked to MFA’s pro-family, pro-life and pro-Constitution address.

“Response to State of the Union by America’s Moms has been amazing,” said Fletcher. “Momentum is building. We have heard from mothers all over America who support our empowering message and want to join.”

For more information about Moms for America or the Moms March Movement, please visit:

Moms for America