CONTACT: Teresa Davis,
Moms for America® Condemn Threats and Violence at Justice Kavanaugh’s House
Branson, MO – Today, Moms for America leadership released the following statement after Justice Kavanaugh received death threats outside of his home this week.
“We at Moms for America® strongly condemn any threats of violence, and invasions of privacy against any Supreme Court Justice whether at home or at the court,” said Kimberly Fletcher, Moms for America President. “Sadly, this is not the first time this has happened to Justice Kavanaugh. I remember when protestors nearly incited violence during his confirmation hearings. I condemned the threats then, and will continue to condemn the threats today.”
“People who commit such acts should be held accountable by law enforcement. This behavior is not representative of this country’s principles and ideals.”
“In addition, violence against pregnancy support centers and pro-life organizations is simply not acceptable as well. If the shoe were on the other foot, leftists would be doing what they always do – accuse conservatives of being domestic terrorists.”
For more information or questions, please reach out to Teresa Davis at