Moms for America Press Release

HB900 Reader Act - Huge Win for Texas - Moms for America

Moms for America Press Release

HB900 Reader Act - Huge Win for Texas - Moms for America
Moms for America Press Release Logo

Jun 16, 2023


CONTACT: Maria Wagner,

Moms for America® Wins: Texas Passes Law to Keep Smut Out of the Classroom

“If you can’t show it on TV and can’t air it on the radio, it shouldn’t be in the classroom!”

AUSTIN, Texas, June 14, 2023/PRNewswire/ – Moms for America®

a nationwide network of hundreds of thousands of moms, played an instrumental role in securing passage of HB 900, the READER Act (also known as the FCC Standard Bill), in Texas. The new law requires schools to adhere to the same standards of decency that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) imposes on television and radio programming. The bill is also being considered by other state legislatures all over the country.

Kimberly Fletcher, the founder, president, and CEO of Moms For America, met with John Rich in January to discuss ways to protect children from indecency being put forth in classrooms. During that conversation, John observed that many of the things children encounter in the classroom aren’t even allowed on TV or radio, and that led directly to the FCC Standard Bill being presented to Texas State Representative Jared Patterson by Moms For America.

“This is just common sense: If you can’t show it on TV and can’t air it on the radio, it shouldn’t be in the classroom,” said country music superstar John Rich, a member of the Moms For America Advisory Board. “I hope the success of this bill in Texas will inspire other state lawmakers to follow suit, and I’m extremely grateful for all the work Moms For America has done to get this bill passed.”

Moms For America worked closely with Texas lawmakers throughout the process since January while contending with the vocal and occasionally disruptive opposition of radicalized LGBTQ groups.

“We’ve literally had parents escorted out of school board meetings in handcuffs for reading the materials available to our children in school libraries, and the reason given was that they weren’t allowed to say those things in a televised public forum,” Fletcher noted. “If you can’t say it in a school board meeting, our children certainly shouldn’t be exposed to it in the classroom or the library.

“I want to thank Rep. Patterson, Gov. Abbott, and our Texas Moms For America who worked so hard to make this a reality,” Fletcher said.

Founded in 2004, Moms for America is a national, non-profit 501c3 educational corporation rooted on the principles of liberty and virtue our nation was founded on, and focused on promoting these principles, values, and virtues in the home and family, particularly through the women and mothers of America. 

To learn more about Moms for America, please visit You can follow MFA on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram


For more information or questions, please reach out to Maria Wagner at