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Raising Patriots - Moms for America

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Raising Patriots - Moms for America

Raising Patriots

We know that in America, we are no longer working to conserve freedom for future generations. Instead, we are now faced with restoring the principles and long-standing traditions on which our republic was founded. Join Moms for America Groups in doing our part in restoring our American culture by raising patriots right in our own homes!

Raising Patriots

We know that in America, we are no longer working to conserve freedom for future generations. Instead, we are now faced with restoring the principles and long-standing traditions on which our republic was founded. Join Moms for America Groups in doing our part in restoring our American culture by raising patriots right in our own homes!

a C Raising Patriots Menu

Cottage Meetings for Kids - Moms for America

Cottage Meetings for Kids

Raising the Next Generation of Patriots! It is our job as moms to teach our children the principles of faith, family and freedom right in our own homes. Get started by using this kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, full of fun and engaging activities in each lesson.


Liberty Kids Club - Moms for America

Liberty Kids Club

As a mom, you can do your part to restore our American culture by raising patriots right in your own home! This program is designed to promote liberty, strengthen family relationships, and encourage family time. Age is not a factor; togetherness is the key!  This free program only requires that you Have Fun!


Liberty Trips - Moms for America

Liberty Trips

We’re taking you to patriotic sites across the country! Our interactive Liberty Trips Map has more than a thousand points of interest across our country. Now you can plan the perfect patriotic adventure to explore with your family, and find Americas hidden treasures in your own backyard.


Patriot Packs - Moms for America

Patriot Packs

Build the heart of a patriot in your children and grandchildren with this activity pack! Set includes a patriotic t-shirt, an illustrated activity book and crayons with patriotic lessons throughout, an American flag, pocket Constitution, and a Raising a New Generation of Patriots book!


Restoring Patriotism - Moms for America

Restoring Patriotism

We know that in America, we are no longer working to conserve freedom for future generations. Instead, we are now faced with restoring the principles and long-standing traditions on which our republic was founded.


Patriotic Blogs - Moms for America

Patriotic Blogs

Restoring American patriotism begins at home, and you lead the way! With your influence, your kids and grandkids will inherit a proud legacy where the red, white, and blue is celebrated by future generations, and God is honored.


1776 Defenders Club - Moms for America

1776 Defenders Club

The principles of freedom our Founding Fathers fought for are under attack now more than ever. That has left this generation feeling the responsibility to stand against the current tide to preserve a future of freedom for our children and grandchildren.


Constitutional Studies Scholarship Program - Foundation for the Restoration of America & Moms for America

Constitutional Studies Scholarship Program

Moms for America is thrilled to partner with Foundation for the Restoration of America.  It’s a partnership founded on our mutual belief in the principles that built America. We want to ensure that Americas founding principles are presented truthfully and faithfully to our children – the next generation of Great Americans. Our Constitutional Studies Program provides solid, conservative, education in the US Constitution.


The greatest act of patriotism a mother will ever perform will be within the walls of her own home.   – Kimberly Fletcher