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Sam Sorbo: Accidental Homeschooler–Tips to Save Your Sanity

Apr 9, 2020

Sam Sorbo

Sam Sorbo–actor, producer, author and radio host joins us On the Homefront to talk Home School! Yes, that’s right, Hollywood Actor, Sam Sorbo is a homeschool mom and LOVES it!

Sam has authored several books including “They’re Your Kids” where she shares her journey from self-doubter to homeschool advocate. Sam is a woman of faith, an ambassador for truth and a warrior mama defending the rights of parents to teach their own kids—and providing great ideas to help them do it successfully.

Whether you find yourself an “accidental homeschooler” or you’re a seasoned homeschooler looking for ideas and encouragement, this is a webinar you won’t want to miss!


Written by Kimberly Fletcher