Media & News

The dumbing down of American youth is INTENTIONAL

Mar 27, 2024

Off Leash With Erik Prince - Moms for America Media & News

Elites inside the country are working together with our enemies overseas to wage emotional and psychological warfare on America’s children. Just like Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China, the goal is to dumb down the young generation so they will be unable to resist the escalating onslaught against our Constitution, our society, and our founding ideals. On this special edition of “Off Leash,” Erik interviews Kimberly Fletcher, the founder and president of Moms For America. For the past 20 years, Moms For America has been on the front lines of the fight for America’s future. Erik and Kimberly discuss what’s happening and what we can do defend our country from this attack.

Kimberly Fletcher is an author, radio host, and Founder & President of Moms for America

Off Leash With Erik Prince and Kimberly Fletcher - Moms for America Media & news

Click here to see the video on Youtube.

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