Media & News

Tucker calls for parental ‘extremism’ in Moms for America interview: ‘Go ahead and arrest me for saying that’

May 8, 2024

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Written by Kevin Haggerty

The topic of defending children left Tucker Carlson throwing caution to the wind: “Put this on the internet and have them arrest me for saying that.”

“I’m just mad at the dads. Like, what is going on?”

Now a year since the commentator was ousted from Fox News, for reasons still unknown he attested, Carlson joined the “Moms for America” podcast for a discussion on some of the key issues of the day. During the dialogue with MFA vice president Debbie Kraulidis, the topic of transgenderism and sexual deviancy had the former primetime personality turning toward “extremism.”

“If there was ever a time for extremism, it’s in defense of your own children,” said Carlson as he remarked that “If some dude showed up in the john with my daughter, I’d beat him unconscious. No, I’d beat him unconscious. Like, that’s my job.”

“If you can’t defend your own children, then you’re a contemptible person.”

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