Healing of America, 16 Week Webinar Series with Al & Juleen Jackson - Feb 4th - May 27 2025 - Moms for America

Healing of America Virtual Series

While Moms for America® has become a powerful voice in the cultural and political issues of our day, the core of what we do is promoting a love of liberty in the home through the mothers of America. After the events of the last few months, it is more apparent than ever that our core mission is vital to saving our Republic and healing our nation.

Throughout the history of America and the world, God has intervened in the affairs of nations in direct and dramatic ways to preserve and perpetuate the cause of liberty. The Healing of America series teaches the genius of the Founders’ philosophy of successful government, evidence of God’s hand in the establishment of freedom in America, at the sources of America’s greatest political, moral, and educational problems.

If you are concerned with the direction our nation is taking, the future for your children and our country and looking for hope and light in a sea of darkness, then we invite you to join us for this very timely series. We are confident that as we strive to do what is right and to establish freedom, prosperity, and peace for all, we can once again justify God’s intervention on our behalf.

The Healing of America seminar series is full of positive, upbeat and hopeful information while at the same time exposing participants to what is really happening to America – not so we can ignore the problems but so we can know how to help fix them. Our nation can be healed as we turn our hearts back to God, recognizing Him as the source of our freedoms and blessings, and as we recommit ourselves to God’s preferred pattern of free government. The Healing of America series will prove to be among your most exciting learning experiences.

View the LIVE Series!

16-week series Tuesdays, Feb 4 thru May 27, 2025
5amPT / 6pmMT / 7pmCT / 8pmET

View the RECORDED Series!

Whether you’re juggling a busy schedule or simply missed a class, we’ve got you covered with the full recorded series. Don’t let time constraints hold you back; click now to access the recordings and discover this powerful seminar the Healing of America Series.

Healing of America Invitation Flyers

Use these shareable flyers to invite friends and family to your meeting! Simply fill in the date, location and contact information.

View the 2024 Healing of America Series
hosted by Tyler Ohta

View the 2023 Healing of America Series
hosted by Juleen Jackson

There are more of us that stand with you, I do believe we are the silent majority, but silent no more!

~ Brenda, North Carolina

Hello from snowy cold Illinois! I just finished watching your last cottage meeting (I can’t make the live session.) I am enjoying learning so much. Thank you for all you do.

~ Andrea, Illinois

My friend called this morning right before class and she was over the moon about what she is learning and wondering why this is not taught in our schools! Thank you for your knowledge and study! It is blessing our lives!

~ Janet, Utah

Thank you so much!!! Please know that you are leading the charge and inspiring and uplifting all of us! You stir my patriotic embers into a burning flame everytime!!!

~ Lorene Jordan

Thank you for all you are sharing with us! It stirs the heart!

~ Dawn Damiani