Webinars On Demand

Webinars & Classes

Moms for America joins together with many like-minded organizations and special guests to produce educational and informative webinars and classes. Our webinars and classes are FREE – it is simply our goal to teach and encourage you, while helping you to promote truth and liberty in your homes, families, and communities. If you would like to find out more about Moms for America, click here to…..

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a C Moms for America Presents...

Webinars On Demand

Become a Health Investigator with Dr. Lynn Lafferty - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Become a Health Investigator

Join Moms for America as we welcome Dr. Lynn Lafferty who will introduce us to integrative nutritional health and how you can protect your family’s health through nutrition!


Behind the Bill of Rights with Bill Norton - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Behind the Bill of Rights

Constitutional expert Bill Norton dives into the depths found Behind the Bill of Rights: natural law, slavery, and freedom of religion – it’s not what you think!


Celebrate the Constitution with Juleen Jackson - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Celebrate the Constitution!

Did you know the Constitution was written to protect the FAMILY? In this class you will learn the leading features of the Constitution and how to best instill within your children and grandchildren a desire to learn, love and perpetuate these principles!


Constitution Class on the Electoral College with Michael Maibach - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Constitution Class on the Electoral College

Join us as we welcome Michael C. Maibach, Distinguished Fellow at Save Our States. He will answer these questions and more in this webinar:

• Why do we have an Electoral College?
• How do other republics elect their officials?
• Is the Electoral College still relevant today?


The Effects of Public School On Our Kids - Moms for America Webinar on Demand

Effects of Public School On Our Kids

Public school is the most accessible and convenient education option for most of our nation’s families, but have you ever wondered what the long-term effects of public schooling are? Join Protect Our Kids as they share the latest research on the very detrimental physical, mental, and emotional toll public school has on our children and why it may be in their best interest to find alternative educational paths for them.


Engaging the Spiritual Community in Education - Moms for America Webinar on Demand

Engaging the Spiritual Community In Educatoin

We all know how damaging public schools are to our youth…but how can we do pull them out and still ensure a solid education, especially if home-schooling is not an option? Protect Our Kids co-founders, Mark Schneider and Gheorghe Rosca, present a surprisingly accessible solution: start a church-based private school, using the step-by-step process they have used themselves to start multiple private learning centers.


Fentanyl: Fake and Fatal - Webinar on Demand - Moms for America

Fentanyl: Fake and Fatal

What is the biggest cause of death in the United States? Cardiac arrest? No. Drunk driving? No. FENTANYL. In fact, the fastest growing age demographic in America for fentanyl poisoning and death is now 14 years of age and younger. It’s no longer a drug that is killing addicts, it’s a weapon of mass destruction destroying a generation. Awareness is not enough; we must provide comprehensive education.


Gender Confused Child? How to Choose the Best Therapist - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Gender Confused Child?

How to Choose the Best Therapist
Join our panel of therapists to discuss “Wouldn’t you rather have a living son than a dead daughter” and the other lies fed to parents of “gender-confused” children in this interactive, Q&A format webinar. Free access to the documentary, “No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care” will be available.


How to Protect Your Child From Predators During the Holidays - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

How to Protect Your Child from Predators During the Holidays

Child grooming and abuse is more prevalent during school holidays than any other time, due to a decrease in adult supervision and an increase in both unstructured time and social events. Learn how to help them protect themselves.


How to Save our Elections - Webinars on Demand - Moms for America

How to Save Our Elections

We all know that our elections are, and have been for quite some time, COMPROMISED. How do we take them back and get the election process back on course? Join Moms For America, Moms for America Action, and Cause Of America as we discuss how to save our elections! Hosted by America’s Mom, Sherronna Bishop and election integrity experts, Mike Lindell, Col. Shawn Smith, and Linda Rantz.


Human Trafficking In the United States - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Human Trafficking in the United States

What Every Parent Needs to Know – with Enough is Enough
An eye-opening discussion about the very clear and present danger of human trafficking, not just globally but in the United States, what to watch for, and how to protect your children.


Kitchen Table Lobby - 4 Weeks Series - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Kitchen Table Lobby

Building a Relationship of Trust with your Elected Representative – with Rebekah Ricks
Think highly paid lobbyists are the only ones who can have an in with our elected representatives? Think again! You can develop a relationship of trust with local, state, and national leaders, all from the warm and cozy comfort of your kitchen table.


Medical Parental Rights - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Medical Parental Rights

Are you concerned about your child being forced to accept the COVID-19 “vaccine” to remain in school? Join Dr. Renata Moon, a seasoned pediatrician who was terminated from her medical school position for testifying against its safety and efficacy, and learn how you can push back and keep your children safe.


Mommy Detective - 3 Week Series - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Mommy Detective

Cracking the Code on Your Family’s Drama – with Debbie Jansen
Join Parenting Coach, Debbie Jansen! In her three-week series, you will develop Mommy Super Powers including communication, wisdom, and honesty; discover Secret Solutions to childhood problems; and learn how to build a strong bond with your family.


Rock The Talk - Webinar on Demand - Moms for America

Rock The Talk

Sexual abuse is not only a devastating issue for the children and families affected, it is also quite prevalent. But how do we communicate this with understanding, ease, and confidence? This presentation will, sensitively, break down the issues of child sexual abuse and provide concrete steps that families and those that work with children can take to reduce risk, and prioritize the healing of those affected.


Save Our States - 4 Week Series - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Save Our States

Michael C. Maibach is a Distinguished Fellow on American Federalism at Save Our States, presents “Defending the Electoral College”. It is a four part series where you’ll discover the amazing system that began with a compromise and resulted in the most remarkable system of government ever known to man.


Stop the Insanity! Kaity Broadbent - Moms for America Webinar on Demand

STOP the Insanity! - Kaity Broadbent

Are you tired of the emotional run-around you experience with your kids? Join us in this two-part webinar with Kaity Broadbent, CEA of PRENDA Microschools, as we take a deep-dive into the role of emotional regulation, in education and parenting. You will understand what makes kids do the things they do and leave with easy, practical take-home skills and strategies.


The Naked Capitalist - 8 Week Series - Moms for America Webinar on Demand

The Naked Capitalist

Eight Week Series presented by Al & Juleen Jackson
Following on the heels of The Naked Communist, one begs to ask, WHY? Why would freedom-loving Americans so willingly trade their freedom and the prosperity genuine free-market capitalism? Might it be that, along with our understanding of the Constitution, we have lost our understanding of what capitalism is? Join Al and Juleen Jackson as they review The Naked Capitalist and know for sure what freedoms you are fighting for.


The Naked Communist - Presented by Al & Juleen Jackson - Webinar on Demand - Moms for America

The Naked Communist

Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom
Join Moms for America’s own Al and Juleen Jackson as they teach through Leon Clousen’s classic text, “The Naked Communist” to learn how the Communist “long con” has taken root of and is transforming our Republic into the next Communist dictatorship and, more importantly, how to fight back and reverse it.


Transform Your Childs Behavior - Moms for America - Webinars on Demand

Transform Your Child's Behavior

Does your child struggle with challenging behavior issues? Temper, emotional instability, lack of confidence? Scott Aksamit, shares powerful strategies that can help you turn shyness into confidence and anger into self-control. This is an opportunity to gain valuable insights and a roadmap to transform behavior in as little as six weeks, whining- and punishment-free!


Dr. Carol Swain Webianr on Demand - Moms for America

What My Life Has Taught Me - Dr. Carol Swain

What my life has taught me about DEI, CRT, and the plan to take down AMERICA!
From a legitimate fight to ensure civil rights for all to today’s push for “diversity, equity, and inclusion”, Dr. Carol Swain shares her life story and what it has taught her…and it has taught her that diversity, equity, and inclusion mean nothing of the sort.


The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, or businessman, or artist, or scientist.     – Theodore Roosevelt

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