Culture Smart Moms - Moms for America Blog

Covid Report

Ivermectin - Covid-19 - MomWatch - Moms for America
Culture Smart Moms - Moms for America Blog

Covid Report

Ivermectin - Covid-19 - MomWatch - Moms for America

–– My Covid-19 Recovery ––

Kimberly Fletcher, president of Moms for America® tells her compelling story of how she was able to survive Covid-19. Kimberly was also interviewed by Alex Jones on InfoWars and they talk about Ivermectin and other Covid-19 treatments, and how they helped save her and her family’s lives.

–– The Covid-19 Report ––

These are the two absolute best videos on Covid-19, from the beginning to masks, vaccines and treatments.

A Christian Perspective On Covid-19 with Dr. Ralph Grams. Learn about prophylactic treatment plans and more.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Full Lecture On COVID-19, Treatment, and Vaccines

–– Treating Covid-19 ––

Truth for Freedom Foundation has compiled an excellent packet with treatment information for Covid-19. You can download the pdf here.

Several physicians who have treated Covid-19 patients since 2020 have found various protocols that have proven successful in treating Covid-19.  Here are some articles that talk about some of these treatments that include Hydroxychloroquine, Regeneron, Budesonide nebulizer treatments, and Ivermectin.

Dr. Richard Bartlett Budesonide Protocol for Covid-19

Tucker Carlson Segment: Ivermectin

Dr. Peter McCullough recommends Hydroxychloroquine and early treatment

Regeneron Offers Covid-19 Protection

–– Doctors ––

Doctor Prescriptions

How can I find a Doctor who will prescribe the medication?

The following documents provides a list of Medical Practices Offering Early Treatment to Covid-19 Patients.

Telemedicine Resources

You can schedule a consult over the phone and get medical advice and prescriptions if needed.

–– Where to Get Covid-19 Medication ––

Large pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens will often not fill prescriptions for Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Small local pharmacies are much more reliable. You will need to call your pharmacy to find out if they will fill it and if they have the medication in stock. Many insurance companies are refusing to cover the cost of these treatment medications or require the doctor to fill out a form explaining why the medication is being prescribed before they will authorize payment.  If that is an issue it is better to just pay for the prescription yourself so you can get it when you need it.  Below are some places where you can purchase the medication on your own.

–– Websites ––

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

An excellent source of information provided by physicians and surgeons who have been successfully treating Covid-19 since early 2020.

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance

They have a whole protocol on early Covid-19 treatment and prevention, posted on their website. They have weekly webinars on Wednesday evenings, at 6pm Central Time.

Covid-19 Protocols

Great website with a lot of info from medical professionals on treating Covid-19.

Dr. Lee Merritt – The Medical Rebel

Great videos, information, and interviews from Dr. Lee Merritt

Dr. Peter McCullough

An internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and author at America Out Loud

–– News Reports ––

AMA Tells Doctors to Lie

Letter to AMA on Ivermectin