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Don't Fall for the Spin: 4 Popular Myths About the Constitution - Moms for America Blogs

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Don't Fall for the Spin: 4 Popular Myths About the Constitution - Moms for America Blogs
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Sep 19, 2022

Don’t Fall for the Spin: 4 Popular Myths About the Constitution

It’s as if using the word “constitutional” makes it true.

Mainstream “news” media and commentators look into cameras with straight faces and offer false information about the Constitution almost daily. Whether they are wildly mischaracterizing this foundational document or citing things that aren’t even there, the errors are not always easy to spot. (And other times, you can’t miss them!)

“The Constitution” has become a buzzword lending legitimacy to whatever is said. Hardly anyone calls them on it.

And they expect you to buy it.

Do you?

We don’t think so. Moms are passionate about America. They are on the move, speaking up, voting, and rejecting pressure from those who vilify our nation and target our kids.

We weren’t born yesterday, mamas. You are here because you care about this nation, its future, and the America your children will inherit. We want to ensure you don’t fall for the spin. Here are four popular myths about the Constitution.

Worth Noting: We wish we could say there are just four. Sadly, it’s open season on America’s Constitution and history. These merely represent a few of the biggies!

Myth #1 The Right to Bear Arms is About Hunting

 Have you ever heard someone talking about how the 2nd Amendment is outdated? Some claim the right to bear arms is about hunting, even using hunters as a focus of the debate. They’ll tell you there’s no need for certain types of guns or that the number of bullets in a magazine can and should be limited. After all, why would hunters need that kind of firepower just to take out a deer? 1

That’s a distraction. The 2nd Amendment reads:

 “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 2

The actual definition of a militia was all men of fighting age: 18-45. (Of course, now, we’d include women in that category – and individuals past 45) The term “militia” wasn’t about an organized force – and it wasn’t a description of hunters. It’s what the founders had in mind.3

But why?

An armed citizenry could protect liberty. If a plot to oppress through a dictatorial government was ever afoot – the founders knew that having an armed population could keep such ambitions at bay.

They knew what tyranny was and wanted to birth a nation where citizens could preserve freedom for themselves.

The right to bear arms is timeless and timely. Gun ownership is essential to secure families, businesses, and churches. It’s not the cause of the skyrocketing crime rate, which is largely made of incidents perpetrated with illegal guns.4

It’s not about hunting. It’s about safeguarding liberty.

Myth #2 The Separation of Church and State Protects Americans from Religious Pressure

Can we please stop with the separation of church and state thing?

It’s not in the Constitution.

It’s not in the Bill of Rights

It’s not in the Declaration of Independence

It’s not in our founding documents, speeches, or publications. It was from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Church. They feared the government would use its power to limit their freedom of religion. His letter reassured them that a “wall of separation” between church and state would protect them from government overreach.5

Though some claim the separation of church and state protects Americans from religious pressure, it doesn’t make it so. The concept is not in the Constitution and was simply intended to reassure a church that its freedoms were secure.

It wasn’t to protect the government from Christian influence.
It wasn’t to protect the public from or limit Christian expression.

It is the 1st Amendment that guaranteed religious liberty. It promised that the government would never create a national church and require citizens to abide by its tenets. It provided freedom to individuals to practice their chosen religion as they wished.6 It reads:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….”

It’s simple. You are free publicly and privately to practice your religion of choice, and the government is not permitted to get in the way.

 Myth #3 Abortion is Constitutionally Protected

 This unfounded claim is front and center right now after the striking down of the flawed decision of Roe v. Wade.

It isn’t and never was constitutional.

But the results of the Roe ruling in 1973 have been devastating. Roughly a sixth of the American population has been killed pre-birth since the floodgates of abortion on demand unleashed this unjust and inhumane practice.7

The initial decision, touted as a constitutional right has been criticized for decades. Even venerated liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg criticized it as a “heavy-handed judicial intervention that was difficult to justify.” 8 It’s not that she was pro-life; she wasn’t. Ginsburg saw its weakness as a decision that would not effectively protect abortion rights.

Pro-abortion activists claim abortion is a constitutionally protected right, but any connection to the Constitution is a bit of a stretch. Justices tried to tie it to a person’s right to privacy using several references, however constitutional language doesn’t point to abortion or anything related.

It’s simply not in the Constitution. Justice Clarence Thomas referred to judicial decisions as having “created the right to abortion out of whole cloth, without a shred of support from the Constitution’s text. Our abortion precedents are griev­ously wrong and should be overruled.” 9

Pro-choice activists aren’t done with the issue, though. The Supreme Court provided a back door approach to legalizing the killing of preborn babies through Roe v. Wade. Now abortion proponents will use a front door approach, attempting to pass a law to make abortion legal in every state.10

This is the time for moms to stand up for this and the next generation.

November midterms are your chance to speak for those who can’t speak for themselves. Your vote is your voice, so get ready by visiting MomVote to get all the details on candidates and local election information and to register to vote. Don’t miss our Congressional Report Card, where we graded elected officials based on their actual votes on vital issues.

Special note: If you have experienced the pain and devastation of abortion, know that we love and care about you. If you need support or guidance to heal from emotional trauma, we encourage you to seek help from a Christian counselor or another source of support and encouragement.

Myth #4 The Federal Government Runs Public Schooling

 While not usually spoken of- this one represents government overreach on a grand scale. Many presume the federal government runs public schooling – and that its role has a constitutional basis. It’s not true- and it has become a usurped power that has grown bloated and intrusive over the years.

Highly political, the NEA (National Educational Association) and the NSBA (National School Board Association) have exercised power against parental rights.

The NEA unapologetically pushed Critical Race Theory throughout our public schools.11 They’ve championed remote classes for our kids and pushed masking small children who were at minuscule risk of suffering severe covid illness.12 As if that wasn’t enough, the NEA helped write a controversial gender/sex-ed curriculum for kindergarten – 12th grade. Yes, for 5-year-olds.13

Meanwhile, the NSBA is the group that famously accused concerned moms and dads of being potential domestic terrorists.14

Who put them in charge?

Not the Constitution.

The federal government has no mandate to create or run public schools. Instead, the Constitution allows individual states to develop their educational plans.

That’s why speaking up at school board meetings and holding schools accountable locally is vital. It’s your right to be heard about what’s happening; you can make a difference for your kids and those who come after. Stay vigilant – eyes open – volunteering and being both a support and a watchdog over your school.

These four myths aren’t the only ones. Digging into the Constitution yourself is the best way to know what’s true and what’s not. Our free online Healing of America Virtual Series is a great place to start. Another valuable resource is to gather with like-minded moms standing up for our nation and your kids – by joining our Cottage Meetings.

When you learn the truth for yourself, the spin stops. By knowing what’s actually in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, you can easily discard all the misinformation swirling through media and cyberspace.

America and our future are in the hands of moms like you. We know you can make a difference, and together we can restore our great nation and raise a new generation of patriots.

1 america’s1stfreedom.org

2 constitution.congress.gov

3 prageru.com

4 heritage.org

5 liberty.edu

6 heritage.org

7 hli.org

8 dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com

9 foxnews.com

10 foxnews.com

11  heritage.org

12 foxnews.com

13 americansforfairtreatment.org

14 cbn.com
