MFA Weekly Newsletter

New Years Resolutions - Moms for America Newsletter Blog Post

MFA Weekly Newsletter

New Years Resolutions - Moms for America Newsletter Blog Post
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Jan 7, 2023

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Help You Bring Patriotic Flair to 2023

Resolutions. Some love them, and some hate them.

But we all must admit there’s something clean and fresh about a new year. It’s got that new car smell, so to speak.

On January 1, most of us can honestly say that we haven’t overeaten ice cream since last year. We haven’t fallen behind on our Bible reading plan or missed even one day of our exercise regimen!

Ahh, a clean slate – what could be better?

Then reality sets in. We have stuff to do, people to care for, deadlines, appointments, and lists to check off. Then there are the Christmas cookies lingering on the kitchen counter – calling – promising emotional relief.

All joking aside, a brand-new year is filled with promise and hope, even with the challenges presented in the wake of 2022’s ever-shifting cultural crisis.

Moms, you made a stand last year for your families and our nation – and in 2023, the possibilities are plentiful. Here are five New Year’s resolutions to help you bring patriotic flair to 2023. Let’s do this together!

1. Resolve to get involved

Think about where you can get involved this year. I’ve told my kids (who are nearly grown now) that just because it’s easier not to do something – doesn’t make that the right choice. Oh, sure, it’s the path of least resistance – but the easy road doesn’t lead anywhere.

We get it; you’re busy. It’s the American condition.

So, be particular. When you resolve to get involved, choose things that will enrich and inspire you, help you navigate the stresses of our cultural climate, and give you what you need to raise your young patriots (or help your grandkids!). We’ve got some great, tested, and true options.

Moms for America Groups – Want to hit the ground running in 2023? Join our virtual Cottage Meetings to experience inspiration and stories from our own Juleen Jackson (Senior Instructor and Advisor of Cottage Meetings).

Then, get to know like-minded patriot moms by joining (or starting) a Cottage Meeting in your area. We’ve got the how-tos and the tools to make that a reality. Or, if you’re not up to starting from scratch, join another group of mamas who are already rolling. It’s a great place to learn, make friends, and together reclaim and protect the America that is our birthright. Also we have an exciting curriculum opportunity for kids and families coming soon!

The Moms for America Podcast & Newsletter – Subscribe to our newsletter and podcast for the latest news from MFA. You’ll find captivating interviews with moms and movers who have stories of inspiration, entrepreneurship as well as head-on encounters with school officials, politicians, and others threatening freedom. Our newsletters provide timely messages from our leadership with ideas and strategies your family can use. There are so many stories to tell, so don’t miss a thing!

Healing of America Virtual Series – One of our most popular free online courses will give you a deeper understanding of our revered Constitution and founding. It’s a primer for any mom who wants to separate truth from lies in schools, curriculum, social platforms, and the media. Sign up for free and learn more about our great land and rightful freedoms.

2. Resolve to fill 2023 with Adventure

If you’re in America and not on an adventure – you may not be doing it right.

We’re only half-joking. America was built by inspiring adventurers, and the stories of these pioneers and patriots dot this country from coast to coast. Make plans…one trip or even several smaller junkets to experience the story of America. The only way to make this one happen is by being intentional. We’re here to help with our Liberty Trips Map, including over a thousand points of interest nationwide.

Start with some day trips in your own state. If you are ready for an ambitious adventure, plan a trip to Washington, DC, Philadelphia, or Boston. One of our blog posts delves into what you can expect from this exciting interactive map.

Coming soon: be on the lookout for Moms for America events currently being planned for regions throughout the nation. These gatherings are full of fun, friendship, education, and inspiration. You are the “Mom” in our name, so join us live and in person. Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about upcoming events. We can’t wait to meet you!

3. Resolve to Be a Mama Bear

Name-calling and accusations fly freely regarding parents expressing outrage at pornography in schools, gender ideology, and racism pushed on innocents. We’ve seen our kids swathed with face masks, belittled for believing in God, and silenced by those who equate traditional American family values with violence.

If we learned anything from 2022, moms are a force for good in this nation. They have stood against a tide of sexualizing children, encouraging hate between the races and pop culture’s apparent intent to promote anti-American thought in many forms.

Moms said, “no.”

They are your kids and don’t belong to the school, city, or government. You have rights, and your children have rights.

The truth is on our side, mamas. We want to help you with the challenges you face in your communities. Check out our free downloadable booklet outlining your Parental Rights and another revealing the truth about Critical Race Theory. As we already mentioned, follow our podcast, newsletter, and blog for timely information about issues as they arise. You’ll be equipped to stand for your family against the onslaught.

When you resolve to be a mama bear in 2023 – America will grow stronger from our movement!

4. Resolve to Celebrate America

Set the pace for patriotic fervor in your family and community.

Fly your flag and drape your home in red, white, and blue to celebrate patriotic holidays. Throw parties and cookouts and if anyone looks at you like you’re weird, offer them a sparkler to join in the fun.

God bless America!

We also offer our Restoring Patriotism campaign to celebrate our freedom with patriot packs for your kids, American heritage books, and the Liberty Trips Map. This exciting initiative has mentorship programs for both moms and your children – and will help your family learn why we stand for the anthem, pray, and why being an American is a beautiful blessing and responsibility.

That’s not all; coming this Spring, a much-anticipated Moms for America app will be available. Also, on the horizon are soon-to-debut Liberty Books for kids and a host of other resources, events, and celebrations.

You can make a difference with all the bad news that seems to emanate from TVs, social platforms, and often our classrooms. Bring back patriotism in a big, big way this year when you resolve to celebrate America – starting with your family.

5. Resolve to Strengthen Your Faith

There’s a reason why the founders put faith and biblical principles front and center. God’s truth is sprinkled throughout the pages of our earliest documents: the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Faith is etched into stone throughout our nation’s capital and the cities and towns that helped birth the USA. Though left-leaning professors and activists do backflips to remove these things – it doesn’t change the actual history or the facts. Faith has always been crucial to the success and freedom we enjoy as Americans.

Our nation’s faith begins with you and ripples out to your kids, family, church community, and so on. Consider how you can resolve to strengthen your faith this year.

Key Elements to Bring Faith Home:

The Bible: If you’re not already, engage in a daily Bible reading plan. There are dozens – maybe even hundreds to choose from, apps, and many study helps to get you started or to try something new. Pro-tip: Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day –do the reading of the day you’re on. Also, if a particular passage jumps out – feel free to stop right there – ponder that more deeply to discover what God is showing you.

Invite your family to join by having weekly (or daily) devotions at the dinner table. Pray with your kiddos before bed, and make sure they have their own Bible or Bible storybook if they don’t yet read.

Prayer: Daily prayer is crucial. If your prayer life isn’t all you think it should be, don’t fret – it’s easier than you think. Prayer, in essence, is a conversation between you and your Creator. He’s a father to you – the perfect father, and He cares about you and everything that concerns you. So, carve out times to hit your knees for earnest intercession, but pray throughout the day.

You know how your little one bursts through the door, bringing you a flower (or weed) clutched in a grubby hand? You loved it, and as a mom, you see its beauty. God feels that way about you – so run to Him all day long.

See someone who’s hurting? Breathe a quick prayer – don’t save it for later. The Bible teaches us to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17), so don’t stop conversing with God. Thank Him throughout the day- and teach your kids to do the same. Over time you and they will develop an intimacy with God that will carry through the good and bad times in life.

Church: According to the Bible, the church is the Bride of Christ, and she’s essential and beloved. It’s the people, not the building, but church is crucial to raising your children in the faith of our forefathers.

Current data reveals that many stopped going in 2020 – and a good chunk of that number never returned. It was a pandemic but also an excuse for some to say, “Going to church doesn’t make me a Christian.” While that statement is true, it takes more than ticking off the church attendance box to be a believer. It minimizes the value to families who engage in the larger faith community. Attending church is a way to honor God, publicly convey your beliefs, and connect with others.

The current culture of vitriol and hatred toward traditional values and patriotism thrives when we are isolated. So, get involved with our groups and find yourself a good church. Make it a priority – and don’t forget to volunteer once you’ve found “the one.” Share your effort and gifts there and help your family get planted with others who share your faith.

2023 is yours, mamas.

The pages of this year are waiting for you to make your mark.

Together we can lock arms as moms and march forward to lift the freedom-loving, patriotic values that made this country the greatest in the world.

Together we can save this nation and usher in a resurgence of patriotism, liberty, and hope for the next generation of young Americans.
