MFA Weekly Newsletter

Kimberly Fletcher on the Power of Moms to Save and Restore America - Moms for America Weekly Blog Post

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Kimberly Fletcher on the Power of Moms to Save and Restore America - Moms for America Weekly Blog Post
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Feb 10, 2025

Kimberly Fletcher on the Power of Moms to Save and Restore America

Much has been made about the historic win in the 2024 Presidential election. Credit has been spread among many well-known names – from Elon Musk to RFK, to Joe Rogan – and to our great 47th President himself.

All valid; however, we’d like to highlight a perhaps less celebrated but mighty influence in last fall’s contest – moms.

As moms, we’re used to being overlooked as we work behind the scenes, guiding, protecting, and nurturing our families, kids, and communities. You and I know firsthand how much work we put into everything we do. And that goes double for our influence in this historic vote.  

Moms for America’s founder and President, Kimberly Fletcher, sat down recently to talk with me about what she and Moms for America did over the last year to mobilize mamas to take a stand and save our nation.

Here’s a portion of our candid conversation:

Question: Early in President Trump’s campaign, you spoke with him at Mar-a-Lago on behalf of moms. What did you tell him?

Kimberly: It was in 2022 as soon as the President announced, I saw that everybody seemed to lean toward DeSantis becoming the Republican candidate. I was able to meet with the President personally at his office. Of course, I’m not the only one; many people were talking to him and offering advice, but there’s something about a mother’s heart when she comes in telling the truth about what matters to America’s moms. It makes a difference.

I said, “Sir, I’m just the messenger. You may not like anything I have to say, and you may never want to talk to me again, but I have to be able to go to my grave knowing I’ve done everything I could do. I need you to be in the White House. I’m not here for a cabinet position, an ambassadorship, a paycheck, or a job. I’m here because I need you back in the White House for my children, my grandchildren, and the future of this country.

It can be intimidating, but this was bigger than him or me. This was literally about the future of our nation and my family. I continued.

“I need you to hear what you need to hear because all these people in this room are here just for a paycheck or a job, and they’ll tell you whatever you want to hear.”

Then, I just went down the list, from the vaccines to what’s happening in the schools. And I let him know my view that the videos the campaign was currently creating for him were not effective at all.

The guy beside me was the one who was putting those videos together, and he said, “What are you talking about?”

I looked at him and said, “They are going into a vacuum.”

To the President, I said, “You know that America is on the cusp of going into oblivion, and all these people in the country are just trying to put food on the table and gas in the car. You need to talk to them like you did in 2016. You’re talking to them like someone in a government briefing room, and they don’t get it. You need to help them understand that you care about the kitchen table issues and talk about what matters most to them.”

He said, “I agree with you.” And then he looked at his people and said, “You need to listen to her.”

Then, you know what? In the coming days, I noticed that the videos began to change.

I told him that I believed the greatest accomplishments of his time in office were the judges that he appointed and the overturn of Roe v. Wade. It’s something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime, and I suggested that he should own that. He was proud of what happened with Warp Speed, but I pointed out, “Look at what they did with it, Sir. They are now mandating that children 5 and up should take the COVID shot because of CDC directives.” I showed him the Died Suddenly1 video, and he asked the people in the room if they had seen it. They all said “no.” I will tell you, though, I had sent it to all of them, several times.

President Trump said, “So, it’s the mandates.”

And I said, “Yes, sir, it’s the mandates.”

He replied, “Well, there won’t be any mandates.”

Three weeks later, he gave his first speech in Iowa as a candidate and stated boldly that his administration would have no mandates.

Question: How did moms impact the 2024 election?

Kimberly: Moms played a critical role. At Moms for America, we approach our efforts this way: we fight for something, not against something. In the 2020 election, we worked very, very hard to convince moms who were hesitant, saying to us that Trump wasn’t palatable. That’s when we would remind them, “We’re not asking you to vote for President Trump, we’re asking you to vote for America.”

It’s simple. Look at what President Trump has done and what the other person is offering, then vote your values and protect your children. And they did. They came out en masse, and they voted for President Trump.

It was amazing to see mamas and grandmas get involved. They were the ones who made such a difference in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. It was remarkable to see that.

When we look back at the 2020 election, remembering that things didn’t go right, we see where God was so wise in how it’s worked out now. The chaos of 2020 was a big wake-up call. It shined a light on all the evil, like the tyranny that surrounded COVID; importantly, it also revealed problems on the election side. After Biden took office,  they claimed, “It was the most accurate and fair election.” That’s not true, and moms knew that. We’re not stupid.

If we had not seen what we saw during that year [2020], it would’ve been too late to counter it. There would never be another free election in this country again. So, God gave us time.

Last year, together with moms nationwide, we went after the Senate, the House, and the Presidency, targeting our efforts in key states, engaging with digital, email, and texting, through events and trainings, personal contacts, walkathons, and door-knocking campaigns. Moms followed ballots all the way to the polls. Eight million, largely low-propensity voters, were contacted by our moms. It was moms on the ground fighting for something. There are times when we do have to fight against something. If your big vision is fighting for something, though, that’s sustainable.

Question: Moms for America saw explosive growth in the last few years; for the many new mamas joining your movement, what initially inspired it?

Kimberly: At first, the vision that I had was more my vision, and over the years, we’ve learned to find God’s vision of what Moms for America is supposed to be – and do. At the very beginning, I thought we’d have a huge platform, with the media coming to us for our position on things and elected representatives asking our opinions on bills or policies.

Very soon, I realized that they don’t give a hoot! The media has an agenda, and most of those in office live in a bureaucratic bubble. The only time that they care about us is when they need our vote. Honestly, it was disillusioning.

My big wake-up moment was 9/11. My husband was stationed at the Pentagon, and he came home safe that day through a series of God-given miracles. It changed me. I went from being patriotic to being a patriot.

I wanted other people to realize how great America is, learning the story of America- the good, the bad, the ugly. I wanted them to understand that the foundational principles are solid and God-driven. That’s when I got the vision to focus on mothers because ‘the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.’

Moms are powerful and influential simply by being who they are. The answer isn’t going through the halls of Congress; the solution is to start with the hearts of the rising generation, and you do that through the mothers. I believe God’s vision is to heal America from the inside out through the moms of America, reaching their children and influencing their communities. I learned and have implemented the strategy of focusing on the local level where moms’ impact can be greatest.

There’s nothing more local than home and family. And then your own community with school districts. The most powerful elected body in the country is not Congress; it’s the school board. The most powerful elected official is not the President – it’s the sheriff. It’s all local. People need to know that.

Question: What’s the best way to get involved for those new to Moms for America?

Kimberly: Cottage Meetings. I can’t stress that enough.

We want moms to understand that Cottage Meetings can look different depending on how you engage. They can be small groups, but they can get plugged in wherever moms are, even by listening online if they don’t want to join or form a group. In essence, it’s a classical liberal arts education in 12 and 16 weeks. You can do it on your own weekly or daily, as fast or as slow as you like.

You may meet once a month in a small group in a home setting, you can even start your own group – or you may choose to listen on your own, even once a month. At the end of the year, you’ll have a greater understanding of the Constitution and the principles of liberty than the majority of judges, attorneys, and elected representatives in this country. We have mountains of anecdotal evidence on that. I like to think of it as Tupperware for liberty

Our goal with Cottage Meetings is to light the fire and passion in your own heart and soul for America and what it stands for, and that you’ll share that love of liberty with your children. The principles of the Constitution are very simple and biblically founded. Daniel Webster wrote, “Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”

Beyond that, find your tribe. We are the ultimate support group for moms who want to protect their children, defend their freedoms, and restore the republic. Get connected in your own community. If there’s not a Moms for America group near you, you can start one. We have a national network, so you can plug in on the state and national level, by following our email, attending our events, following us on our podcast, and we’re about to start season two of The Mom View.

Question: Some call 2025 the beginning of a “golden” era. What is Moms for America focused on this year and beyond?

Kimberly: What excites me the most is America 250, which is planned for 2026 to celebrate our nation’s 250th year. I was 10 years old in 1976 and still remember that Bicentennial so well. It was like an explosion of patriotism everywhere, and everyone from Avon to Jack Daniels did some kind of commemorative piece. I want to see that again. I want people to understand the spirit of America and experience it as never before. We hope to see an infusion of patriotism and that we’ll turn this America-hating nonsense around. That’s what excites me most. Big things are being planned – including a national fair! I’ve asked to serve on the committee, so I hope to contribute to this history-making year-long celebration.

For moms, school choice and parental rights continue to be on their minds and hearts. As they look for change and to assert their rights, there’s some confusion due to the terminology of a “parental bill of rights” versus a “parental rights bill.” Parental rights are fundamental, and we need to see that codified. If it’s codified in state laws, everything must acquiesce to the parents in the future. In schools and courts, parental rights are the first consideration. Watch out for deceptive wording. Here at Moms for America, one of our priorities is to see parental rights codified in all 50 states.

The Kitchen Table Lobby is our policy center, and we are working hand in hand with several organizations to ensure that our children are protected and our education is returned to a high standard. Part of that is dismantling the Department of Education. We are going to be actively working to make sure that that happens. Our nation’s education needs to be brought back to the local level.

We also have a CDC lawsuit contesting the PREP Act. That act removes liability from certain entities dictated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Basically, when the COVID vaccine was pushed so hard, the companies and organizations involved were given immunity against those who might have sued because of vaccine injury or death. This blanket immunity is absolutely unconstitutional, and it protected those who were actually harming people.

As I mentioned earlier, Cottage Meetings continues to be a cornerstone of our efforts. We now have Cottage Meetings in Spanish, Cottage Meetings for Kids, and Cottage Meetings for Teens. We’ll launch Liberty Trips this year with our adorable little stuffie Beagle named “Liberty.” He’ll be part of a kit that families or grandparents can purchase with our Liberty pup and the first book, Liberty Begins at Home, along with a map of the United States with paw print stickers to mark places you’ve been virtually or physically.

Question: In 2025, how would you characterize the Power of Moms?

Kimberly: I think that the power of moms is the movement itself – and moms becoming connected. For so long, I think many moms didn’t realize what was going on. Now they know, and together, we are a force to be reckoned with. 

When I met with the President, it was clear that there is a different sort of influence when you approach a situation as a mother. Don’t come in as a feminist on some kind of power trip. They assume they know everything – and seem to think those who don’t hold their views are horrible. 

We know that it’s not the harshness of a woman that is powerful. It’s the softness of a mother – our kindness and wisdom that empowers us. In 2025, I think you’ll see that power unleashed like never before.

Podcast Note:  Suzanne Venker joined us this week to share some of her wit and wisdom about the Habits of Highly Effective Marriages. She is an author, marriage & family coach, and is known for her viral op-ed for Fox News, “The War on Men.”

