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Meaningful Ways Moms Can Celebrate Valentine's Day - Moms for America Weekly Blog Article

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Meaningful Ways Moms Can Celebrate Valentine's Day - Moms for America Weekly Blog Article
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Feb 2, 2025

Meaningful Ways Moms Can Celebrate Valentine’s Day

For as long as we can remember, it’s been all about chocolate, flowers, and those little fold-in-half tradable Valentines.

Not anymore.

Don’t get me wrong – I love a good conversation heart as much as the next girl – especially one that reads “UR Mine.” Lighthearted fun… is… fun, right?

When it comes to our kids, in recent years, things have gotten tough. It’s hard to keep a carefree attitude as “class mom” at school when crazy stuff is happening. In the past, a child might have been upset that they didn’t receive a card from that special friend, but this year, she may be railing about the misuse of her preferred pronouns or that someone didn’t affirm her “new gender.”

As moms, we’ve had to keep our heads on a swivel or miss something crucial that could harm our children.

A mother’s love is one of the most potent forces on earth. With the cultural shift we’re living through, we invite you to crank it up a notch with these four ways moms can up their game to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Last Year – You packed their backpack with tradable fold-in half cards with a heart-shaped sucker attached.

 This Year – Love Your Kids by Getting Involved

 Sure, send the cards, but also make a new commitment to love your kids by getting involved at school.

Volunteer to support good teachers. Take the time to discover what’s happening in your child’s classroom. You’re not looking for trouble, but if you find pornographic books on the shelf or something in the class that suggests that gender studies are on the docket – it’s time to raise an alarm. Your children only have their innocence until someone shatters their view of themselves, their faith, their family, and their country.

We can help. Here at Moms for America, we invite you to give your child the tools to know what’s true and good by joining the Liberty Kids Club. It’s a brand-new opportunity for your kids and you to learn about America’s blessed history and hope-filled future. You can also get them in on the fun of our Cottage Meetings for Kids. Where schools aren’t measuring up – Liberty Kids Club is a great way to supplement as you raise the next generation of patriots.

You don’t have to go it alone. We know you love your children – and you’re fighting with all you have to protect them from the predatory practices creeping into some schools and curricula. Express your love by taking action.

Last Year – You brought cupcakes to class, and the thick frosting with awesome candy hearts on top made your child hero for a day.

This Year – Show Your Love by Making a Difference for All the Kids

We would never discourage cupcakes – but the way to up your game this year is to run for school board. It’s been a phenomenon documented by national news media – this mama bear movement where brave women like you have stood up for children and the entire community.

Moms are finding their voice – saying “no” to infecting this generation with the poison of resurrected racism through CRT. We are saying “no” to activist teachers facilitating gender confusion in children without parental approval.

Think you’re not bold enough? We know you are.

Suppose you’re not up for holding office. In that case, we encourage you to keep the pressure on those who seek to shift our educational system to ruin by starting to attend your local school board meetings. You can get a lay of the land and then plan to speak up when the time is right. We’ve got tips to share on making your voice heard, even if you’ve never been involved.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Our Empowered Moms initiative has all the tools and information you’ll need to make a difference, from speaking to or serving on school boards to advocating for school choice. You can show your love by making a difference for all the kids – not just your own.

Last Year – You made a love-filled dinner. Heart-shaped meatloaf, red tablecloth, flowers and hearts, and a special dessert.

This Year – Celebrate What Love Really Means

Dinner’s still a go – but your kids need so much more than the tasty trappings of a well-planned Valentine celebration.

Schools and culture are trying to teach our kids that “love is love.” It’s a way to slip in non-traditional concepts about gender and sexual orientation as noble and beautiful. Through their ideologies, love is whatever you want it to be. It’s being gender fluid and pushing our children to embrace this unstable ground for themselves. To them, love is apologizing for your race – or embracing the hurt and anger of victimhood. Love is an undefinable and truly unattainable concept to grasp.

It’s time to celebrate what love really means, mamas. Let’s step up and teach about the love of God.

At your family’s Valentine’s dinner, start a conversation about love. Here’s an excellent place to begin:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

If everyone has that memorized already, say it out loud together. Allow each family member to share what it means to them, and then thank God together for the amazing gift of Jesus.

Move on to the famous love chapter –

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (I Corinthians 13: 4-8, 13)

Ask your kids about some of these characteristics of love. Which do they experience in school?

When they hear the concept of love discussed – does it match what the apostle Paul described? Do they see these in action, or is something else playing out in real life? Giving them this relaxed moment at dinner to reflect on God’s truth will help them grow in discernment and will continue to keep channels of communication open between you.

Last Year – You and your kiddos wore your best reds & pinks, cut out lacy valentines together, and made cards for each other.

This Year – Make it About Action over Appearance

Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is all about the colors, the smells, the tastes – the gestures, but a mother’s love is so much more.

Long before the mama bear movement of today, there was an early-19thcentury mom who had had ENOUGH. Her name was Nancy, and she was raising two sons and a daughter with her husband, Sam. When one of her boys struggled in school – the teacher had the gall to call her son “addled,” which is an old-school term for an inability to think clearly or process thoughts. Though her son struggled with his grades, she knew that the failings of that insulting teacher were also part of the equation.

Nancy was furious. She removed her son from school – determined to teach him herself. Homeschooling, anyone?

She was right, as moms often are.

Her boy became one of America’s most celebrated inventors, Thomas Alva Edison. He had this to say about his mom: “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me, and I felt I had someone to live for, someone I must not disappoint.” 1

Your influence on your children is one of the greatest expressions of a mother’s love. When your kids see you take action, commit and invest in things you deem important, they soak in your priorities. There’s a depth to what you hold dear.

Let them see you go deeper in your love for this nation and care for what’s happening in this world they will inherit someday. Some of us quietly went about our lives when insanity took hold of our culture. We thought we could ignore it at first, but then they came for our kids.

Get to know the Constitution with our free virtual series, The Healing of America. Start or join a mom’s group to be with like-minded moms and to encourage each other. You’ll develop patriotism and life-long friendships with others who will join you in taking action to protect your kids. There are so many ways to be involved, and we will walk with you every step of the way. There are blogs, trainings, podcasts, and more.

Giving your kids hope as Americans goes much farther than a box of chocolates. You can make it about action over appearance. The best way we can express love to our children – is to provide them with a free and unhindered future.

Valentine’s Day is fun, lighthearted, and lightweight in many ways. We know you want more – that’s why you’re here. Sometimes love is well-represented by sentimental words – and sometimes love means taking action.

Let’s not forget this love verse:

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9 (emphasis mine)

Podcast Note: Fox News contributor Sara Carter joined us for a lively conversation about all the changes happening in Washington, from the outgoing Biden administration to the flurry of activity happening right now through executive orders, appointments, and more. Together, we’re analyzing what it all means to moms. Don’t miss this one!

1 libraryofcongress.gov
