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Moms Speak Up: How to Defend Gun Rights - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Moms Speak Up: How to Defend Gun Rights - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog
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Sep 30, 2024

Moms Speak Up: How to Defend Gun Rights

Did you know that every year in the United States responsible gun use saves lives? This fact does not come from a rightwing political group but from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is just one of the thought-provoking points in information from Women for Gun Rights. This group, founded to counter the lies and disinformation of gun control groups, equips women – moms like you! – to speak up and defend our rights.

Make no mistake, as moms, gun rights matter. Some women mistakenly think that gun advocacy does not affect them or that they don’t know enough about guns to have an opinion. Events in recent years have made it clear: our federal and state gun policies affect us all! As moms, we have vulnerable children to think about, in addition to our own safety and security. Contrary to what gun control activists tell you (and what gets parroted in the mainstream media), gun control laws make us less safe, not more. Designated gun-free areas are those most likely to have a mass shooting.

We are the silent majority, patriots who love our country and hold family values. When we speak up, we encourage other American patriots to take a stand for common sense and civil liberties. Learn more about gun rights, why they matter, and how you can courageously speak up in your community.

Women for Gun Rights

Women for Gun Rights is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about our Second Amendment rights. The group was founded by Diana Muller, a retired 22-year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department and two-time national 3-gun champion and professional shooter. Diana appeared on the Moms for America Podcast to discuss what moms need to know about their rights and how to defend them in the public square.

Diana began her organization to counteract the blatant lies in the media. Too often, women are painted with a broad brush. Women in the mainstream media are shown arguing for more gun regulations. These women do not represent Diana and the many moms, daughters, sisters, and grandmas she has brought together in her advocacy. There is another side to the story that biased media outlets won’t show you.

Remember that statistic from the beginning of the article about the effective use of firearms for self-defense? The CDC has since buried it under political pressure from gun control lobby groups. Women for Gun Safety still has the stat (and lots more!) to educate people about the facts of gun rights, ownership, and responsible use. Diana’s interview on the Moms for America Podcast is jam-packed with information that you will not find in conventional media.

Understand Your Rights

In addition to Women for Gun Rights, Moms for America has partnered with many organizations that defend gun rights and educate Americans about their rights. Understanding the Constitution and the Founders’ intent in crafting our nation’s founding documents is integral to the Moms for America Cottage Meeting series.

The fact remains that without the Second Amendment, we lose the means to ensure the defense of all other God-given rights protected in the Constitution. Without this key aspect of our Constitution, all of our civil liberties are in jeopardy. If you thought being a mom meant that you didn’t know enough about guns to defend Second Amendment Rights, think again. Gun rights are vitally important, especially for the protection of women and children. Keep reading to learn how you can become an advocate and make a difference.

If you need a refresher, you’ll find a great free download outlining key information at the Women for Gun Rights website.

Ever Been to the Range?

A great step in learning about the importance of gun rights is taking a trip to your local gun range. It can be intimidating if you have never handled a firearm before. Check in your area for gun safety classes or ask friends in your neighborhood or church community. You might be surprised by who is an avid sportsman or gun enthusiast.

Visiting a local range can teach you a lot about responsible gun ownership and the reality of operating, maintaining, and storing guns for self-defense and recreation. These lawful and law-abiding citizens—your friends and neighbors – are the people that gun control laws harm. Adding burdensome legislation that curtails our Second Amendment Rights does not stop law-breakers but make it harder for law-abiding patriots to exercise self-defense and practice their sport. Going to the range will open your eyes to this fact and allow you to familiarize yourself with firearm use.

If you are the avid hunter or gun enthusiast, consider inviting a woman from your church or local community to the range. You might be surprised who will take you up on the offer. Conservative, patriotic women are catching on to the fact that they are not represented in the mainstream media and many of them want to get the untold story. By introducing more women to legal gun ownership and responsible use, you can play a key role in gun rights advocacy.

Speak Up in Your Community

As we’ve established, commonsense gun laws do not have support in much of our media and the wider culture. Decades of biased reporting and indoctrination has convinced a generation of moms that stricter gun laws and further requirements for legal gun ownership will make us safer, even though we know this is not true.

On the Moms for America Podcast and through other work of Women for Gun Rights, Diana Muller has fantastic tips for getting conversation started and changing hearts and minds. She emphasizes findind common ground. The goal for all of us is safer communities and protecting innocent people from violence. By establishing this shared goal, we can begin to show people that the way to achieve this is through further protecting gun rights, not trying to take them away.

When we lead with shared vision and common goals, we can respond empathetically and have a real conversation with our friends and neighbors. Women for Gun Rights recommends steering clear of talking about the Second Amendment. While Moms for America has a strong educational component focused on the Constitution, this is not a good path to encouraging communication with people unwittingly brainwashed by the mainstream media. Find shared goals outside the established political talking points and build on this.

Teach Your Children Their Rights

In addition to courageously taking a stand for gun rights in our communities, we cannot forget to have real conversations on these tough topics with our children. Whether on car trips or around the dinner table, don’t be afraid to open up challenging conversations. If you do not give your children the facts, woke media figures will be all too happy to give them the spin.

The fact remains that our children are our future. The fate of our nation is in their hands, and the education we give them today will determine the direction of our country. Giving our children a place to voice their concerns and ask difficult question ensures that they will be equipped to defend our rights. Engaging our kids in conversation is also sure to make our own advocacy that much stronger!

You’ve Got This, Mama

For too long, the mainstream media has controlled the narrative about gun ownership and gun safety. Moms are some of the most persuasive advocates and community members to address the truth about responsible gun ownership and the importance of our rights as American citizens. To decrease violence, save lives, and protect all our Constitutional rights, the silent majority – American patriots who hold family values – must no longer be silent.

Listen to the Moms for America Podcast and learn more about Women for Gun Rights. You can be an advocate for gun rights, no matter your place in the community. Your voice is needed. You’ve got this, Mama!
