MFA Weekly Newsletter

Drag Queens, Porn and Puberty Blockers - How to Protect Your Kids - Moms for America Blog

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Drag Queens, Porn and Puberty Blockers - How to Protect Your Kids - Moms for America Blog
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Oct 22, 2022

Schools Celebrate Drag Queens, Porn, and Puberty Blockers – How to Protect Your Kids ​

Was it shocking to read that headline?

If so, you’re not alone – it was alarming to write it!

It wasn’t good when we had to contact our school about the history teacher straying from accurate facts about our nation’s founding.

It was frustrating when someone told our kids they couldn’t have their Bible on school property for Bring Your Bible to School Day because of the separation of church and state. (That’s not a thing. See our blog on Constitutional myths.)

Those were not okay– and moms spoke up to hold teachers and schools accountable.

But were those the good old days?

What children and their parents face now is unthinkable. Unfortunately, this information is hard. Very hard. The good news is that we have the power to make a difference, moms, but we’ve got to know what we face.

Erin’s Story

When Erin’s 12-year-old daughter started at her new school in a small suburb of Fort Collins, Colorado, it was the waning days of pandemic protocols in 2021. Schools spent half that year in remote learning, but now kids had returned to the classroom. Her daughter, an introverted and talented artist, was invited by a trusted art teacher to an after-school art club. Hoping to see her girl make friends and connect socially after the isolation of covid, Erin happily consented to her daughter’s request to stay late that day.

She only learned after the three-hour club meeting that it was actually a GSA (Gender & Sexuality Awareness) art club. Her daughter didn’t know either and was blindsided by the guest presenter convincing her that if she wasn’t 100% comfortable in her body, then she was transgender.

That leader then told the kids that parents aren’t “safe” and it’s okay to lie to them to attend her future meetings around town. This speaker, who wasn’t connected to the school in any way officially, went even further. She shared her personal contact information to communicate with the kids privately. She invited them to join her on several teen hang-out apps, including Discord and Whatsapp, so they could continue to converse outside her parents’ purview.

During that school-sanctioned club, there was no art – none – but there was talk of “polyamory” and “suicidality.” The presenter also offered information to Erin’s daughter about how she could begin a medical transition using puberty blockers and testosterone without her parent’s knowledge or consent. (This is legal in Colorado, signed into law by the Governor. 1  The state has also introduced school-based medical clinics giving students the ability to seek “help” without their parents knowing)

When the outraged mama went to the school to voice her concerns, the principal did nothing. He called GSA Art Club a “safe space” where kids could be free of their parents knowing what is said or done.

There’s so much more – and the fallout for this sweet young girl was significant. To hear more of her story, check out our podcast with Erin.

It’s not just Colorado. School boards, administrations, and even some teachers (not all) run cover for policies forcing sexual indoctrination on our youngest students. The NEA, America’s most prominent teacher’s union, created a curriculum to unleash radical gender lessons on kindergarteners through high school.

Is anyone up for explaining gender issues to your 5-year-old after his teacher tells him he can become a girl like mommy?

There’s More:

  • North Carolina: This Book is Gay had a spot on the bookshelf in a 7th grade class (ages 12-13). It gives graphic instructions on how to engage in gay sex. It was made available to children at Collinswood Middle School in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District.

A one-time mistake? Sadly, no, as the book was featured on the English Language Arts (ELA) recommended reading list for 7th graders at another local school, JM Robinson.

One bold mom exposed this pornographic material at her local school board meeting, using a diagram from the book and reading a passage from its pages. She was featured on multiple news outlets; however, portions of the quoted text couldn’t be included in the news stories due to its extremely graphic nature. 2

  • Michigan: A recent Dearborn school board meeting overflowed with hundreds of parents there to protest the pornography present in books available in their school district. Far from a one-dimensional group, it mainly comprised Muslims, some Christians, and other American parents. They were united over the outrageous materials imposed on children in the name of education. 3
  • California: Outraged mom, Brittany Mayer, confronted the school board over a “Boo Fest” promoted to all the families in her district and on the school website. It was billed as the “queerest Halloween party for youth and families.” The event was set to feature a “family friendly” drag queen show at a 21+ gay nightclub in their area.

That’s bad, mamas, but wait, there’s more.

According to the flyer, the event was sponsored by a medical gender transition clinic. 4 Groom much?

Here’s What You Can Do:

 *Be on the Lookout.

In addition to reviewing the curriculum whenever you get the opportunity, be aware of the growing list of school-approved books designed to sexualize the young.

Be Aware of these titles…and be on the lookout for more.

The Pronoun Book (for 0-3 years)

Rainbow: A First Book of Pride (1-9)

Fred Gets Dressed (4-6)

I Am Jazz (4-6)

Calvin (4-6)

Jack (Not Jackie) (4+)

When Aiden Became a Brother (5-6)

The Tea Dragon Society (7+)

It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity (7-9)

Julian is a Mermaid (7-9)

Who is RuPaul? (8-12)

Aristotle and Dante Series (12 and Up)

All Boys Aren’t Blue: A Memoir/Manifesto (13+)

Anger is a Gift (13+)

This Book is Gay (14-17)

Flamer (14-18)

Trans+: Love, Sex, and Being You (15-18)   5,6

There are so, so many more. It’s heartbreaking to see the push to abuse and sexualize innocent children.

Be on the lookout and when you see something that could harm our kids – speak up!

 *Spread the Word in Your Community.

There’s a strategy afoot to intimidate those who hold traditional patriotic values. It’s time to discuss your objections to these grooming practices and materials. Talk to your friends, your pastor, and your hairdresser.

You could be called racist, homophobic, transphobic, and many other tags designed to shut you up. But don’t allow yourself to be silenced. Instead, become even more informed so you can speak using facts and information many aren’t aware of. Join one of our Cottage Meetings for “iron sharpens iron” experiences with like-minded American moms.

Speak with extended family members, and don’t forget to warn that friend you know who is a Christian but wants to avoid politics at all costs. This isn’t politics.

We have an opportunity to stand between our children and predators. Spread the word in your community of this clear danger to the life and health of our children.

*Make Sure Your School Hears You Loud and Clear.

When you learn something, pass it to your fellow parents, speak up at school board meetings, and contact your principal and the district.

Make anything you say or write specific and straightforward. Speak to what the problem is and what you want to be done. Try to avoid wandering thoughts and emotions.

One email or contact is good, but invite your friends to join by also reaching out to your school. What begins as a lone complaint can turn into an avalanche of objections. Suddenly you’re a force that can’t be ignored.

It starts with you, though. Whether you think you’re the only one or not. Make sure your school hears you loud and clear – and don’t back down!

*Vote in Every Election.

We’ve said it before – your vote is your voice.

Voting is substantially lower in non-presidential voting years, and that must change. Every vote counts, and every election matters – whether for State Senate, County Sherriff, school board members, or dog catcher!

Do your homework to identify those individuals bent on propping up predatory practices against our kids – and vote them out!

Don’t let an election of any size lack your input.

We’re here to help. MomVote will keep up-to-date information at your fingertips so you can vote in every election.

*Make Brave Decisions for Your Kids

Ultimately, mamas, you decide how you will approach educating your kids.

Is it time to pull them out of your local public school and look for other ways to educate your little ones? Erin took a second job, and her family opted for a private Christian school to protect her daughter. That’s not for everyone, but you do have options.

Suppose you are one of the lucky locales already implementing school choice. You may be able to reallocate your tax dollars to a private or charter school more appropriately focused on reading, writing, and arithmetic (remember them?). Roughly 20 states now have some form of a voucher/school choice program, so investigate what’s available in your area.

If you’ve never considered homeschooling, our blog on the subject gives insight from a mom who was a reluctant homeschool convert, and another post features timely tips for pulling your child out of public school.

Pray about it. Think outside the box. You and some friends could create a homeschool co-op where each focuses on specific subjects. By dividing responsibility, you could even craft a plan to include a mom (maybe you) who has a full-time job.

Be creative, make brave decisions for your kids, and dare to think of school differently.

Don’t Give Up.

We’re glad you’re locking arms with other moms to form a wall protecting your own little ones and the innocence of future generations. Moms are influential and won’t be silenced.

You are standing in the gap for America’s future. Precious young patriots will be protected because of your actions today.

Speak up in your school district. Spread the word.






