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Culture Smart Moms - Moms for America Blog

What is CRT, DEI and SEL?

What is CRT, DEI and SEL - Tamra Farah, Senior Director of MomForce
Culture Smart Moms - Moms for America Blog

What is CRT, DEI and SEL?

What is CRT, DEI and SEL - Tamra Farah, Senior Director of MomForce

What is CRT, DEI and SEL?

These three concepts are woven through our children’s education.

By Now We Have All Heard About CRT – Critical Race Theory

CRT isn’t new, it has been craftily injected into our societal thought behind closed doors for decades. It has held many labels from “Diversity Training” and “Black Studies,” to “Reconstructing Curriculum”, but the objective has always been the same–divide the American people, because you can’t enslave a people who are united.

DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

DEI is described as policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals, including people of different ages, races and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations. Listen to the video to find out what this really means for your children!

SEL – Social, Emotional Learning

The hallmark of this programs approach is the use of surveys. Sent to student’s email inboxes often asking questions that often require parental consent according to Federal Law. SEL allows teachers to pry into the mindsets of the children they are teaching. These programs shift the role of teachers from educators to therapists, often not aligning with family values. Be sure to watch the video to find out about the newest version – Transformative SEL which promotes “justice-oriented civic engagement”.