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Moms for America Action Launches ‘National Parents Strike’

Aug 17, 2021

Parents Strike - Moms for America Action

Moms for America Action Launches ‘National Parents Strike’ to End Public Schools’ Mental, Emotional and Physical Abuse of America’s Children

Moms for America Action Calls on Parents to Disregard Unlawful Mask Orders and Pull Their Children From Public School

DAYTON, OHIO Moms for America Action, the non-profit political advocacy and lobbying arm of Moms for America, is demanding an end to the violation of parental rights and the rights of children as citizens of the United States of America. Parents have constitutionally protected rights and will no longer allow those rights to be violated by unlawful mask orders.  Moms for America Action is calling for parents nationwide to push back against totalitarian teachers’ unions and government officials by joining National Parents Strike and exiting schools beginning this week.

“Unelected bureaucrats, out-of-control teachers unions, and elected officials have placed their thirst for power and control over the welfare of society’s most vulnerable citizens and have failed America’s children miserably,” said Moms for America® founder Kimberly Fletcher. “Moms have entrusted their children’s instruction and wellbeing to these schools. That trust has been completely broken and parents across the country are standing against the school districts, teachers’ unions, and government officials perpetrating the mental, emotional, and physical abuse of America’s children.
“The idea that masking children protects them from COVID or transmitting it is nonsense,” continued Fletcher. “We’re calling on parents to reject this despotism and pull their children out of school until reason prevails.”

This Thursday, Moms for America Action is calling for parents to disregard unlawful orders and NOT COMPLY with unconstitutional government mandates by joining the “National Parents Strike.” A press conference will be held and all press and parents are welcome. Details are as follows:

WHO:     Moms For America Action
WHAT:    National Parents Strike Press Conference
WHEN:    Thursday, August 19th at 2:00pm EDT
WHY:       Calling for parents nationwide to push back against totalitarian teachers’ unions and government officials by joining National Parents Strike and exiting schools
WHERE:     DeVos Performance Center Lobby, 303 Monroe Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Cindy Chafian, Director of Coalitions and Outreach for Moms for America Action stated, “If schools and administrators attempt to violate the rights of our children by forcing them to wear a mask, alienate themselves, or show proof of an experimental shot in order to attend…we will not comply. If our rights as parents are not respected, then we will remove our children from the facilities who threaten them. No longer will we allow schools to subject our children to trauma, abuse, and disinformation on any level, national, state, or local. Our children have been subjected to enough and we are done.”
Fletcher commented, “As Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and H. Cody Meissner of Tufts Children’s Hospital co-wrote in a Wall Street Journal article, ‘The Case Against Masks for Children,’ masks can become breeding grounds for bacteria and other infectious agents. Masks can even interfere with facial development by pushing kids into mouth-breathing for long periods, which can develop into a mouth deformity.”
Fletcher added, “‘There is no science behind mask mandates for children,’ the two MDs flatly state, noting that masks can cause psychological damage: ‘Facial expressions are integral to human connection, particularly for young children who are only learning how to signal fear, confusion and happiness. Covering a child’s face mutes these nonverbal forms of communication and can result in robotic and emotionless interactions, anxiety and depression.’”

Many large school districts, including Los Angeles and New York City, are requiring proof of vaccination and masks for in-person learning, despite the fact that children are at extremely low risk.

“This is all about freedom of choice,” said Chafian. “It’s not an anti-mask or anti-vaccine message. It’s a freedom message. We need parents across the country to take a powerful stand and say NO MORE! This is an issue in every single state at some level. It’s time for parents to take a stand!”

Moms for America®, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education corporation, is recognized as one of the fastest growing movements of women in America on a mission to reclaim culture for truth, family, freedom, and the constitution, to raise a new generation of patriots, and to heal America from the inside out through the homes and hearts of the mothers of America.

Moms for America Action, the 501(c)(4) division of Moms for America®, consists of thousands of moms from every race, religion and nationality who believe in our Republic, our Constitution, and our God-given liberties. Moms for America Action is the voice of mothers on the cultural and political issues of the day. Moms for America Action strives to faithfully represent the hearts of mothers from all across our great nation–moms who inspire faith and bless America by raising tomorrow’s leaders.

For more information on Moms for America®, visit, its Facebook page or follow on YouTube, Instagram or Pinterest. For more information on Moms for America Action, visit

To interview Kimberly Fletcher, Founder and President of Moms for America®, or Cindy Chafian, Director of Coalitions and Outreach for Moms for America Action, contact, Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.