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‘National Parents Strike’ Initiative is Surging

Aug 23, 2021

Parents Strike - Moms for America Action

Moms for America Action Launches ‘National Parents Strike’ to End Public Schools’ Mental, Emotional and Physical Abuse of America’s Children

Moms for America Action Calls on Parents to Disregard Unlawful Mask Orders and Pull Their Children From Public School

DAYTON, OHIO — As a response to the unconstitutional direction government and schools seem to be going, Moms for America® is calling for a National Parents Strike, starting August 19th, to keep children at home over dictatorial mask and vaccine mandates. 

“The response has been overwhelming,” says Moms for America® founder Kimberly Fletcher. “This is happening all over the country and we’re just getting started. Moms are learning how to fight back at our Cottage Meetings, and more will be equipped at our MomRise 2021 Summits.”

The call for a National Parents’ Strike was triggered by arrogant school officials and the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which issued a recommendation for “universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”

The exodus from public schools began in earnest in 2020 and continued on into 2021. Now, it’s picking up steam all across the country.

A Pittsburgh TV station reports that enrollment in the city’s schools dropped 1,200 in the fall and another 2,500 in the spring, as parents moved their children to private, religious schools, charter schools or decided to homeschool. The trend appears to be accelerating, according to the local CBS affiliate.

In Harrison County, Mississippi, one mom, Colette Lister, told the school board that she would pull her children out if they imposed a mask mandate. Her eighth-grade daughter Ruby also spoke, saying, “I’m 100% willing to be pulled out and be home schooled. I’m also willing to give up cheer so I don’t have to wear a mask every day. I can’t imagine having to cheer with a mask.”

“This isn’t just about the mask mandates. It’s also about the content schools are imposing on our children, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and explicit sexuality ‘education,’” Fletcher says.


“This is all about freedom of choice; it’s not an anti-mask or anti-vaccine message. It’s a freedom message. We need parents across the country to take a powerful stand and say NO MORE! This is an issue in every single state at some level.  It’s time for parents to strike back! Parents, keep your kids out of school until your demands are met.”

Evidence is building that parents are doing just that, with homeschooling at record levels. Moms for America® has long supported homeschooling with practical materials and links on their website.

“Moms for America is the largest coalition of liberty-minded, freedom-protecting moms in the nation. We represent mothers nationwide and have long taken a strong stance against the extremely tyrannical overreach that this administration and unelected bureaucrats have imposed and continue to impose on our lives,” says Director of Coalitions and Outreach for Moms for America Action Cindy Chaffian.


“The children of America belong to their parents or caregivers, whoever that person may be,” she continued. “They are not the property of the government and they certainly do not belong to the schools or teachers unions. They are our first ministry and our most precious gifts.  We alone are the ones who have the right to decide what is best for our children. No one else.”

Preparations are underway for MomRise 2021, a national gathering of mothers slated in October and hosted by Moms for America®. MomRise will bring moms together from across the country (in person or via livestream) to encourage and empower them and help moms realize the powerful influence they have in our homes, communities and through our votes.

Moms for America®, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education corporation, is recognized as one of the fastest growing movements of women in America on a mission to reclaim culture for truth, family, freedom, and the constitution, to raise a new generation of patriots, and to heal America from the inside out through the homes and hearts of the mothers of America.

Moms for America Action, the 501(c)(4) division of Moms for America®, consists of thousands of moms from every race, religion and nationality who believe in our Republic, our Constitution, and our God-given liberties. Moms for America Action is the voice of mothers on the cultural and political issues of the day. Moms for America Action strives to faithfully represent the hearts of mothers from all across our great nation–moms who inspire faith and bless America by raising tomorrow’s leaders.

For more information on Moms for America®, visit, its Facebook page or follow on YouTube, Instagram or Pinterest. For more information on Moms for America Action, visit

To interview Kimberly Fletcher, Founder and President of Moms for America®, or Cindy Chafian, Director of Coalitions and Outreach for Moms for America Action, contact, Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.