Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots


Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

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 Date Created Name Email Mobile Phone City State County within your State Webinar Name Webinar Date RECOMMENDATIONS FUTURE WEBINARS Were you impacted by the webinar in a positive way? We'd love to share your success story – Please Share a Video
September 11, 2024Judi PrivettEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(210) 885-3314Canyon Lake
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Comal CountyNaked Capitalist5 - Extremely Likely

I love everything your team does Zaira!

September 11, 2024Zee GeeEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(719) 992-1456No Place
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I don't knowMoms Webinar09/05/20245 - Extremely Likely

Nothing! It was great

September 11, 2024Judi PrivettEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(210) 885-3314Canyon Lake
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Comal CountyNaked Capitalist09/10/20245 - Extremely Likely

I think Zaira's Team does a fantastic job on these webinars!!!!!

YesThis is just a test
September 19, 2024Shawna SaldivarEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Collinsville
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TulsaFentanyl fake and deadly09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

Nothing. It was great!!! Thank you.

September 19, 2024Jill KirkpatrickEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(816) 304-2213Kansas City
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ClayFentanyl: Fake & Fatal09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

Excellent webinar! I'm very impressed! The only improvement is to get the word out more! Thank you so much for the superb work!

September 19, 2024Christina BlaskavitchEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Punta Gorda
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Charlotte County - (presently in Canada)FENTANYL: Fake and FATAL09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

Topics like this are very helpful in understanding a full spectrum approach toward combatting this issue. I lost a cousin to drug overdose, his daughter found him cold in his bedroom and called me.

September 19, 2024Lesa GareyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(740) 342-5179New Lexington
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Ohiolesa garey09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

It was fine. Speaker was great.

September 19, 2024Brenna WileyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(907) 830-7072Colorado Springs
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El PasoBrenna Wiley09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely


September 19, 2024Jennifer JaegerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(314) 564-7736St. Charles
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St. CharlesFentanyl Fake and Fatel09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

Nothing I can think of

September 19, 2024Martha LearyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Cumberland Furnace
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MontgomeryFENTANYL: Fake and FATAL09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

Nothing. I prefer listening so this was fine as is.

September 19, 2024Daena EscamillaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(775) 443-1265Minden
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Douglas Countyfentanyl: fake and fatal09/19/20245 - Extremely Likely

Have more information to share with my colleagues and community.

September 23, 2024Terri McCoyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(253) 381-2204Lake Tapps
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PierceFentanyl: Fake and Fatal5 - Extremely Likely

To somehow stay connected with others who attend the webinars, if they'd want to. To maybe in a long distance sort of way create a support system of people who want to continue learning how to take steps of action after hearing what the webinar presenters offer. Perhaps that could lead to people from the same state working together as well.

October 8, 2024Mary BeaubierEmail hidden; Javascript is required.San Jose
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Santa ClaraNaked Capitalist10/08/20245 - Extremely Likely

It's been great. Just keep it up. The class is wonderful and very informative. Thanks!

October 12, 2024Paula HaiglerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(704) 292-0326Monroe
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North Carolina
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UnionNaked Capitalist/Socialist10/08/20245 - Extremely Likely

Al and Juleen are so informative and personable. Mom's is full of those same kind of individuals. I enjoy all the classes they offer.
I love sharing with the group after the presentation and hearing everyone's information.

October 15, 2024Rebecca HamiltonEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(512) 925-6428Smithville
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BastropThe Naked Capitalist10/15/20245 - Extremely Likely

In the MFA class signup confirmation email, provide correlation between the original chapter-formatted book and the page numbers of the class book. I bought 3 books trying to find one with chapter numbers before someone else in chat mentioned having trouble. (I happily gave the extra books to friends.) This has been a fascinating class and I have loved every minute of it.

October 24, 2024Ashlee BellEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Lakeway
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Lake TravisFreedom and Folklore10/24/20245 - Extremely Likely

Everything was wonderful. The link sent in real time to the books and resources Juleen was talking about was especially helpful. Thank you!

November 11, 2024Aireen SchweitzerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(224) 409-3105Elk Grove Village
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CookFREEDOM, FAITH, and FOLKLORE11/07/20245 - Extremely Likely

Juleen was an amazing presenter, and I learned sooo much! Thank you!!! I really needed the book recommendations, and as easy summary to share with our homeschooling boys who are ages 3 and 6. I knew about the Squanto book, but the other ones are new to me. I hope to share the webinar info with others, including in an article for my new Substack publication which is called Little Lamb Review. I hope to attend more and check out the website resources as well. God bless.

November 14, 2024Beth DilgEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(580) 284-0573Mountain Home
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ElmoreFaith, Freedom and Folklore11/14/20245 - Extremely Likely

Nothing, it was perfect, I was able to watch it muted as I had my kiddos come in and out as they are homeschooled. Life gets busy but I loved this series so much I made sure I made watching a priority. I will be ordering books to read to my kids and reading Washington's proclamation on Thanksgiving.

November 25, 2024Mike SheehanEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(330) 592-5740stow
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summitTHE EFFECTS OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ON OUR KIDS11/18/20245 - Extremely Likely


February 3, 2025Shannan SmithEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(865) 300-3669Lehi
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UtahMomma Bears02/03/20254 - Very Likely

How to get others to join a group

February 3, 2025Janet LarkinEmail hidden; Javascript is required.(612) 416-2217Blaine
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AnokaMama bear02/03/20255 - Extremely Likely

Fantastic advice and teaching on how to communicate our needs to protect children. I took.many helpful notes . I will utilize these tips .

 Date Created Name Email Mobile Phone City State County within your State Webinar Name Webinar Date RECOMMENDATIONS FUTURE WEBINARS Were you impacted by the webinar in a positive way? We'd love to share your success story – Please Share a Video